Perioada de actualizare
de la 11.06.2024 16:39
până la 01.07.2024 15:00
Propunerea ofertelor
de la 01.07.2024 15:00
până la 29.07.2024 11:00
de la 30.07.2024 15:00
până la 30.07.2024 15:41


Statut Evaluare
Valoarea estimată fără TVA 253 075 058 MDL
Perioada clarificărilor: 11 iun 2024, 16:39 - 1 iul 2024, 15:00
Perioada de depunere a ofertelor: 1 iul 2024, 15:00 - 29 iul 2024, 11:00

Suport Tehnic pentru furnizori:

(+373) 79999801

Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029

Informaţia despre solicitant
Codul fiscal/IDNO
2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Puskin, 42
Web site
Persoana de contact
Nume Prenume
Nadejda Guzun
Telefonul de contact
Datele achizitiei
Data publicării
11 iun 2024, 16:39
Data ultimilor modificări
27 iun 2024, 12:22
Achizitii.md ID
22450000-9 - Imprimate nefalsificabile
Tipul procedurii
Licitație deschisă
Criteriu de atribuire
Preţul cel mai scăzut
Surse de finanțare
Documentele procedurii de achiziție
anexe la documentatia standard ro.signed.pdf anexe la documentatia standard ro.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
anexe la documentatia standard ro.signed.pdf
11.06.24 16:39
duae ro.signed.pdf duae ro.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
duae ro.signed.pdf
11.06.24 16:39
espd - duae en.docx
Documentele la ofertă
espd - duae en.docx
11.06.24 16:39
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.signed.pdf declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.signed.pdf
11.06.24 16:39
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.doc
Documentele la ofertă
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.doc
11.06.24 16:39
standard documentation en.docx
Documentele la ofertă
standard documentation en.docx
11.06.24 16:39
statement of beneficial owners -en.signed.pdf statement of beneficial owners -en.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
statement of beneficial owners -en.signed.pdf
11.06.24 16:39
anexe la documentatia standard ro.docx
Documentele la ofertă
anexe la documentatia standard ro.docx
11.06.24 16:39
duae ro.docx
Documentele la ofertă
duae ro.docx
11.06.24 16:39
standard documentation en.signed.pdf standard documentation en.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
standard documentation en.signed.pdf
11.06.24 16:39
espd - duae en.signed.pdf espd - duae en.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
espd - duae en.signed.pdf
11.06.24 16:39
statement of beneficial owners -en.doc
Documentele la ofertă
statement of beneficial owners -en.doc
11.06.24 16:39
procurement notice modified en.signed.pdf procurement notice modified en.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
procurement notice modified en.signed.pdf
19.06.24 09:56
anunț de participare modificat ro.signed.pdf anunț de participare modificat ro.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
anunț de participare modificat ro.signed.pdf
19.06.24 09:56
colour shifting of the transparent window.signed.pdf colour shifting of the transparent window.signed.pdf
Clarificări pentru participanți
Documentul respectiv este raspuns la clarificarea publicata pe platforma de achizitii la data de 26.06.2024, ora 11:01 si nu este parte a documentatiei de atribuire. / The respective appedix is a response to the clarification published on the procurement platform on 26.06.2024, 11:01 a.m. and is not part of the tender documentation
27.06.24 12:18
Anexa nr 24, Blanchete 2024-2029 RO modif 27.06.202.signed Anexa nr 24, Blanchete 2024-2029 RO modif 27.06.202.signed
Documentele la ofertă
Anexa nr 24, Blanchete 2024-2029 RO modif 27.06.202.signed
27.06.24 12:18
Annex no. 24 Blanks 2024-2029 EN modified 27.06.signed Annex no. 24 Blanks 2024-2029 EN modified 27.06.signed
Documentele la ofertă
Annex no. 24 Blanks 2024-2029 EN modified 27.06.signed
27.06.24 12:18
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
17 iun 2024, 12:08
Subiectul întrebării:
Procurement notice Qualification and selection criteria (description of the criterion/requirement)
Procurement notice Qualification and selection criteria (description of the criterion/requirement) Point 3: Bid security 1% Bid security form (issued by a bank), according to Annex no. 9 to the standard Documentation approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance no. 115 as of 15.09.2021 Please confirm that the issuing bank of the bid security must not be a bank in the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The bis security can be issued by a bank in the country of the origin of the bidder. Please also clarify that the bid security must be exactly 1 % of the price offer or it can be an amount between 1 % and 2 % of the offered price.
Răspuns (18 iun 2024, 14:31):
Dear bidder, According to the tender documentation, published on https://mtender.gov.md/tenders/ocds-b3wdp1-MD-1718109429947?tab=contract-notice and https://achizitii.md/ro/public/tender/21236372/ the requested bid security is 1% from the total bid price without VAT. The contracting authority will accept: a) Bid security form (issued by a bank), according to Annex no. 9 to the standard Documentation approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance no. 115 as of 15.09.2021 or b) Transfer to the account of the contracting authority (payment order) The contracting authority will accept the electronic copy of the hand-signed paper document without the application of the electronic signature or the document confirmed by electronic signature of the economic operator (electronic signature recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova).
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
17 iun 2024, 12:11
Subiectul întrebării:
Procurement notice Qualification and selection criteria (description of the criterion/requirement / ESPD/DUAE)
Point 18: Data from the Registry of Forensic and Criminological Information in the country of origin Please clarify if we understand the right way: If according to the national law of the State in which the Bidder is established, the clarification criteria can be confirmed by a sworn statement before a public notary, made by the person who has the right the represent the bidder and for the signature of the tender documentation, we do not need to present data from the Registry if forensic and terminological information for company directors or any other person with the power of representation, decision or control over the candidate, but it is enough if we present the sworn statement / self-declaration.
Răspuns (18 iun 2024, 14:31):
Dear bidder, According to the tender documentation, the contracting authority requires a copy of the document regarding the Data from the Registry of Forensic and Criminological Information, issued by the competent body for the legal entity. Only in case the requested document is not issued in the country of origin, the contracting authority accepts the sworn statement/self-declaration made before a public notary. Document confirmed by hand-signed or, by electronic signature of the economic operator (recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova).
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
17 iun 2024, 12:13
Subiectul întrebării:
Submission of the documents
According to the Qualification and selection criteria, the submitted documents must be Electronic copies of the hand-signed paper documents without the application of the electronic signature or the documents confirmed by the electronic signature of the economic operator. (electronic signature recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova) Please confirm that for the submission of the tender the bidder does not need to have a Moldovan electronic signature, the offer can be submitted using only electronic copies of the hand-signed paper documents without the application of any electronic signature.
Răspuns (18 iun 2024, 14:33):
Dear bidder, the contracting authority will accept: the electronic copies of the hand-signed paper documents without the application of the electronic signature (for non-resident) or the documents confirmed by electronic signature of the economic operator (electronic signature recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova).
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
19 iun 2024, 11:06
Subiectul întrebării:
garantie de participare
Va rugam sa ne comunicati daca Garantia de participare se poate constitui pentru ambele loturi cu acelasi instrument bancar (ex. ordin de plata, scrisoare de garantie bancara) sau trebuie constituita in mod distinct pentru fiecare lot.
Răspuns (20 iun 2024, 11:49):
Garanția pentru ofertă de 1 % se depune pentru lotul la care participă operatorul economic. În cazul depunerii ofertei pentru ambele loturi, garanția pentru ofertă poate fi constituită printr-un singur instrument bancar (ordin de plată / scrisoare bancară), cu depunerea pentru fiecare lot separat.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
19 iun 2024, 11:09
Subiectul întrebării:
licitatie electronica
Va rugam sa ne comunicati care este modalitatea de desfasurare a etapelor de licitatie electronica. Oferta trebuie imbunatatita cu procentul de minim 1% in fiecare etapa sau doar per total? Daca la primele doua etape de licitatie electronica nu se imbunatateste oferta, se poate participa la ultima etapa de licitatie electronica?
Răspuns (20 iun 2024, 11:54):
În documentația de atribuire, autoritatea contractantă a indicat pasul minim de 1% pentru licitația electronică, pentru fiecare rundă separat. Totodată, vă informăm că decizia de a îmbunătăți oferta în cadrul rundelor de licitație electronică îi aparține operatorului economic. Cu referire la aspectele de ordin tehnic, vă rugăm să vă adresați la suportul tehnic al platformei MTender (https://mtender.gov.md/tenders/ocds-b3wdp1-MD-1718109429947?tab=contract-notice).
19 iun 2024, 11:12
Subiectul întrebării:
Extension of the deadline for enquiry period and for bid submission
Taking into account the fact that the technical specification for the procurement № 21236372 “Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029”, can only be received in person at Public Services Agency at Alexander Pushkin st. 42, Chisinau, as well as the summer holiday period in State authorities, which negatively affects processing time of our requests for obtaining qualification documentation requested by this procurement, we ask you to consider extension of the proposal submission deadline for an additional 3 weeks. In particular : - deadline for enquiry (clarification) period to be extended by 15.07.2024 - deadline for bid submission to be extended by 07.08.2024
Răspuns (20 iun 2024, 17:00):
Dear bidder, Please note that the deadline for requesting clarifications and the deadline for bid submission will be extended. Please study the tender documentation carefully and follow the electronic platform for any updates.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
19 iun 2024, 13:38
Subiectul întrebării:
Anexa 24-contract model
Referitor la Contractul model prezentat in Anexa 24 va adresam rugamintea de a analiza urmatoarele: 1. Va rugam sa introduceti clauze pentru acordarea ,,Bunului de tipar" de catre comparator, pe machetele produselor de urmeaza a fi tiparite. 2. Avand in vedere perioada de valabilitate a contractului de 4 ani, exista posibilitatea ajustarii pretului in perioada de derulare a contractului ? 3. Avand in vedere ca in contract se mentioneaza ca, in situatia in care sunt constatate neconformitati, compensarea cheltuielilor pentru bunurile neconforme se va face ce catre furnizor in cinci zile, exista posibilitatea ca inainte de compensarea cheltuielilor Furnizorul sa inlocuiasca produsele neconforme ? 4. Cu privire la penalitati, va rgam sa analizati posibilitatea ca acestea sa fie puse in oglinda ca procente atat pentru furnizor cat si pentru cumparator.
Răspuns (20 iun 2024, 17:02):
1. Documentația de atribuire a fost modificată (completată). 2. Documentația de atribuire nu prevede modalitatea de ajustare a prețului în perioada de valabilitate a contractului. 3. Înlocuirea produselor neconforme nu este posibilă, deoarece numerele de ordine ale blanchetelor rebutate (în baza actului de constatare a rebutului) se fixează în Sistemul de evidență a blanchetelor cu statutul „REBUT”, și, respectiv, acestea nu pot fi utilizate repetat pe blanchete ca produs conform. 4. Clauza contractuală a fost modificată în felul următor - 10.4. Pentru achitarea cu întârziere a Bunurilor, Cumpărătorul poartă răspundere materială în valoare de 0,1% din suma neachitată în termen, pentru fiecare zi de întârziere, dar nu mai mult de 10% din suma totală a prezentului Contract.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
20 iun 2024, 12:38
Subiectul întrebării:
Supporting documents for ESPD/DUAE
According to ESPD / DUAR form, Chapter V. General guidelines for qualification and selection criteria, point 5.A.1. Is the economic operator able to submit to the Automated Information System “State Register of Public Procurement” or by electronic means, or if necessary, on paper to the contracting authority: forms, certificates, notices and other documents indicated by the contracting authority/ contracting entity in the Procurement notice and Standard documentation? Deadline 7 calendar days from the date of request Please clarify if all the documents listed in the Procurement Notice ( documents listed under points 1- 20 ) need to be submitted with the offer or if some of these documents are considered supporting documents for the ESPD / DUAE form and need to be submitted only on request from the Contracting Authority within a term of up to 7 days.
Răspuns (21 iun 2024, 08:03):
The economic operator can submit on the electronic platform, along with the bid, all the documents requested by point 17 of the Procurement Notice or can submit, within a period of 7 calendar days, at the request of the contracting authority, the documents related to ESPD/DUAE and indicated in sub-points 9, 11, 13-19. The document from sub-point 20 will be presented only by the economic operator designated as winner.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
20 iun 2024, 17:09
Subiectul întrebării:
Please be so kind and confirm that the last day to ask for clarification is 24. June ( till the end of the day ). Thank you.
Răspuns (21 iun 2024, 08:05):
The deadline for requesting clarifications and the deadline for bid submission was extended. Please study the tender documentation carefully and follow the electronic platform for any updates.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:17
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specification
1) “7 .1.1.2 The cardbody shall be made out from PC in a multilayer security structure, technologically assembled, with a thickness not exceeding 0,76 mm and rounded corners at the outer edges (radius 3, l 8±0,30mm). Note: Manufacturer shall provide to Beneficiary the information on the number of layers of the PC card, which must not be less than 6 layers.” We would like to ask PSA to allow the bidders to recommend different multi-layer structure and thickness of the polycarbonate data page, keeping the requirement of security features and the high-quality of the products.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 09:55):
Any recommendations not contrary to the technical specifications will be taken into account.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:17
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specification
2) “ The hinge, made out of synthetic material, shall be partially inserted in a PC security card body.” We would like to ask PSA to allow the bidders to recommend a fully inserted hinge in the polycarbonate data page instead of the partially inserted one, thus this way the polycarbonate data page will own a better result in tensile strength, furthermore, it does not have any disadvantageous attribute nor on the graphics, nor on the quality of the product.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 09:57):
Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:19
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specification
3) “The hinge shall be secured with enough security features of the level 1 (inspected without equipment) and level 2 (inspected with simple equipment), allowing its easy/instant identification and preventing the card body removing and/or replacement, namely: UV fluorescent inks/IR inks and/or other features embedded in the material; design features precisely aligned in a certain sequence etc.” Please allow to change the requirement of level 2 security feature of the hinge. It does not have a significant effect on the security of the product, thus, we would like to recommend other, additional security feature in the booklet (level 2 or level 3), which would protect the document with higher security.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 09:58):
Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:20
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specification
As stated in the technical specification, the passport products differ in the color of the cover. Is there any other part which shall be different? For example, the color of the inside cover page, visa pages, data page, differences in design, serial numbering, etc.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:03):
All types of the passport products will incorporate the following identical features: a) background design; b) security elements (such as MLI, holographic element, transparent window, tactile element of title page and data page), their shape and positioning; c) paper and security features of the paper (such as watermark, security thread, security fibres). Two different colour ranges will be used for the inside pages: - One colour ranges for the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova (PA) - Second colour ranges for the (PS, PD) Passports and (PC, PH, PT) Travel documents The passport blanks will be differentiated by: - cover color; - information on the inner cover (front and back); - content of the title page; - content of the data page; - the text on the visa pages; - serial number.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:20
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specification
“ e) transparent window with color changing effect (transparent area will change color according to the color of the background on which it is viewed, using technology whereby the material used will have the effect of optical change):” Is there any specific requirement regarding the shape of the transparent window, or the bidders can recommend?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:05):
The final shape of the transparent window will be approved at the preparation stage of the blank production process.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:21
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specification
“6.7 The serial number of the passport shall be applied: - to the bottom on the inside front cover - letterpress printing;” We would like to ask PSA to allow the bidders to recommend placing the letterpress numbering on the first page following the polycarbonate data page (first paper-based page). It is recommended from several points of view, like personalization, verification and technological points. On the other hand, the general production practice of the passports justifies this method of serial numbering.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:32):
Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:22
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specifications
“9.2 The passport booklet shall have a certificate issued by an independent accredited Iaboratory on passing the tests on physical, electrical, LDS and PKI objects according to the following methods:” Please specify when the mentioned test report shall be presented.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:36):
The Test Certificate (Report) should be presented within six months from the Supplier receiving of the personalised blank models, for this purpose, from the Contracting Authority.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:23
Subiectul întrebării:
Delivery times / contract
“1. The Buyer shall submit the Design projects of the Goods to the Supplier and provide support and advice in their usage. The transmission of the Design projects to the Supplier is carried out by drawing up an Act of delivery-receipt signed by both Parties. The Design projects for Lot No.1 will be submitted in Quarter 1 of 2025, and for Lot No.2 within 5 (five) calendar days from the contract signature date. 2. Within 60 calendar days from the signing of the Act of delivery-receipt of Design projects, the Supplier shall ensure the adaptation of the Design and the adjustment of the color range, the printing approval and the production of 5 (five) assembled models for each type of blank. Every step will be coordinated and approved by the Buyer. 3. Within 30 calendar days from the Buyer’s final approval of the assembled Blank models, the Supplier is obliged to produce and deliver to the Buyer, free of charge, Blank-specimens for technological needs according to the Delivery Plan. At the same time, the Supplier shall transmit to the Buyer the Design of the Goods, developed in digital format (PDF format, on electronic support), which contains graphic information (vector and high-quality raster in the corresponding layers).” a) Please provide the definition of “Design projects of the Goods”, and what steps it includes. b) Depending on the response for the previous question, and the exact date of signing of the contract, the given time for the preparation for the production of the passport is significantly short. Thus the contract shall be signed at least 6-7 months before the sample production of the passport booklets, due to the design preparation phase, raw material preparation, acceptance and order. For this reason, we would like to recommend to modify the requirement according to the above-mentioned time frame. This way, this condition is a significant advantage of the current provider, but other companies would also have the chance to provide a competitive offer in time.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:45):
a) The Design projects of the Goods will include the final design of the document's background (high-quality vector and raster graphics) with the document name and data field names, requirements for the positioning and shape of security features, as well as a description of the inks used and their characteristics (e.g., color transition in iris print). The files will be presented in PDF and/or CGT (Corvina) format, for each separate layers and colors. b) The specified execution terms, as outlined in the clause point 2, part II. Special Contract Conditions, will be extended to 90 calendar days.
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
24 iun 2024, 15:24
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specifications
“7.1.4 The polycarbonate substrate shall have a multi-layer structure (at least seven layers) technologically assembled, without adhesive, by hot pressing, which will not allow the layers to separate.” Is it possible to recommend different multi-layer structure of the cards, keeping the requirement of security features and the high-quality of the products?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:46):
Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
24 iun 2024, 15:25
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specifications
“7.2.6 Transparent window with color change (the transparent area will change its color according to the color of the background on which it is viewed, using technology with which the material used will have the effect of optical change)” Is there any specific requirement regarding the shape of the transparent window, or the bidders can recommend?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:47):
The final shape of the transparent window will be approved at the preparation stage of the blank production process.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24 iun 2024, 15:26
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specifications/design
6.6 The following stages shall be carried out for manufacturing the identity card: - drawing up the design of the card (background design, images, text and captions of data fields) - will be carried out by Public Service Agency (PSA);” Please confirm that the Successful Bidder shall prepare the new security design of every document (cards and passports as well) and PSA will provide the requested graphical elements which shall be part of the final design.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:52):
PSA will provide the ready-made blank design. The manufacturer's remarks and suggestions will be taken into account at the stage of preparation for the printing. The Design projects of the Goods will include: the final design of the document's background (high-quality vector and raster graphics) with the document name and data field names, requirements for the positioning and shape of security features, as well as a description of the inks used and their characteristics (e.g., color transition in iris printing). The files will be prezented in PDF and/or CGT (Corvina) format, for each separate layers and colors.
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
24 iun 2024, 15:27
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specifications
“5.2. The blanks shall hold a certificate issued by an independent and accredited laboratory for physical, electrical and LDS testing of the chip according to the following methodologies: Physical test methods for passports (durability) - ICAO Doc 9303, ISO / IEC 18745-1; Test methods for non-contact interface devices (e-passports, smart cards, hardware) – ICAO Doc 9303, ISO/IEC 10373-6, ISO/IEC 18745-2; Test methods for Application Protocol and Logical Data Structure - ICAO TR RF Protocol and Application Test Standard for eMRTD - Part 3. Tests for Application Protocol and Logical Data Structure. Version: 2.11. Date – March, 2018 (ISO/IEC 18745-3); - Test methods for determining the characteristics of the cards - in accordance with ISO/IEC 10373. Parts 1, 3 and 6.;” Please specify when the mentioned test report shall be presented, thus the definition of blanks in this case.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:54):
The test Certificate (Report) should be presented within six months from the Supplier receiving of the personalised blank models, for this purpose, from the Contracting Authority.
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
24 iun 2024, 15:29
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specifications
13) What type of CA (Certificate Authority) is used for the issuance of the certificates?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 10:56):
In the production of passports, two national-level root certification Athorities are used (Republic of Moldova, ASP): (1) Country Signing Certification Authority (CSCA), according to ICAO Doc 9303, p.12 (2) Country Verifying Certification Authority (CVCA), according to BSI 3110
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
24 iun 2024, 15:30
Subiectul întrebării:
Contract / delivery times
“1. The Buyer shall submit the Design projects of the Goods to the Supplier and provide support and advice in their usage. The transmission of the Design projects to the Supplier is carried out by drawing up an Act of delivery-receipt signed by both Parties. The Design projects for Lot No.1 will be submitted in Quarter 1 of 2025, and for Lot No.2 within 5 (five) calendar days from the contract signature date. 2. Within 60 calendar days from the signing of the Act of delivery-receipt of Design projects, the Supplier shall ensure the adaptation of the Design and the adjustment of the color range, the printing approval and the production of 5 (five) assembled models for each type of blank. Every step will be coordinated and approved by the Buyer. 3. Within 30 calendar days from the Buyer’s final approval of the assembled Blank models, the Supplier is obliged to produce and deliver to the Buyer, free of charge, Blank-specimens for technological needs according to the Delivery Plan. At the same time, the Supplier shall transmit to the Buyer the Design of the Goods, developed in digital format (PDF format, on electronic support), which contains graphic information (vector and high-quality raster in the corresponding layers).” a) Please provide the definition of “Design projects of the Goods”, and what steps it includes. b) Depending on the response for the previous question, and the exact date of signing of the contract, the given time for the preparation for the production of the cards is significantly short. Thus if the design will be provided 5 days after the signature of the contract, and the Successful Bidder will have 60 days to produce samples, it is not possible to purchase nor the raw materials, nor the chip, nor the hologram within this short period of time. Please note that in case of starting a new project, in general several months are needed to purchase the raw materials after the signature of the contract. For this reason, we would ask to implement an additional preparatory period of 5-6 months after the signature of the contract. This way, this condition is a significant advantage of the current provider, but other companies would also have the chance to provide a competitive offer in time.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 11:00):
a) ,,The Design projects of the Goods,, will include the final design of the document's background (high-quality vector and raster graphics) with the document name and data field names, requirements for the positioning and shape of security features, as well as a description of the inks used and their characteristics (e.g., color transition in iris print). The files will be presented in PDF and/or CGT (Corvina) format, for each separate layers and colors. b) The specified execution terms, as outlined in the clause point 2, part II. ,,Special Contract Conditions,, will be extended to 90 calendar days.
25 iun 2024, 12:37
Subiectul întrebării:
ID3 documents
Will all types of ID3 passports/travel documents have the same graphic design? Please confirm all the differences in design between all types of ID3 passports/travel documents. Apart from different colours of covers, golden foil on the front cover and the serial numbering – are there any other differences?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 11:04):
All types of the passport products will incorporate the following identical features: a) background design; b) security elements (such as MLI, holographic element, transparent window, tactile element of title page and data page), their shape and positioning; c) paper and security features of the paper (such as watermark, security thread, security fibres). Two different colour ranges will be used for the inside pages: - One colour ranges for the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova (PA) - Second colour ranges for the (PS, PD) Passports and (PC, PH, PT) Travel documents The passport blanks will be differentiated by: - cover color; - information on the inner cover (front and back); - content of the title page; - content of the data page; - the text on the visa pages; - serial number.
25 iun 2024, 12:38
Subiectul întrebării:
Graphic design
Will you provide a complete graphic design files and information (colour separations, pantone indications etc)?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 11:05):
Yes, PSA will provide a complete graphic design files and information (colour separations, pantone indications etc.).
25 iun 2024, 12:38
Subiectul întrebării:
Graphic design
Will the new graphic design be identical/similar/different from current (in circulation since 2023) passport?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 11:06):
The design of the new passport will be different from the current one.
26 iun 2024, 11:01
Subiectul întrebării:
7.2.6 Transparent window
(7.2.6 Transparent window with color change (the transparent area will change its color according to the color of the background on which it is viewed, using technology with which the material used will have the effect of optical change): - on light background: the window will have a primary color (blue); - on dark background: the window will change its hue to a second color (red), and an image will appear as a third color (yellow-green) as an embedded image; NOTE- The same effect is created when the transparent window is illuminated with an artificial light source (ex. Torch). - the embedded image will also be reactive to UV light (yellow-green fluorescence). Area size: 10 mm x 12 mm. The transparent window will accept laser engraving at the personalization stage.) • Should the window that changes color according to the color of the background on which it is viewed (from blue to red) fluoresce under UV light illumination? • Should the embedded image appear only on the dark background? • Is it a requirement for the window to contain one or two OVM – Optical Variable Material (color changing material)? If the answer is: two, then is it required for the OVM that changes color from blue to red to have cut outs which would allow for the second OVM to show through it creating a graphic design that would consist of three colors? (first color being that of the first OVM (the blue/red background), second color being the color of the first OVM (the blue/red background) combined with the color of the second OVM and third color being the color of the second OVM showing through the cut out in the first OVM (the blue/red background)) • Would it be possible to receive a graphic design for this element?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 13:41):
1) The fluorescence under UV light illumination for the transparent window is allowed but not mandatory. 2) The embedded image should appear on the dark background, under UV light and when window is illuminated with an artificial light. 3) The bidder should ensure the color shifting of the transparent window according to p. 7.2.6., using the technology up to their discretion. 4) For better understanding of the expected effect of colour shifting for the transparent window please access the appendix ,,Colour shifting of the transparent window.signed.pdf,, The answer to the question can be found in the document ,,Colour shifting of the transparent window.signed.pdf,, uploaded on electronic platform.
26 iun 2024, 11:06
Subiectul întrebării:
Datapage hinge :
1. Could you be more explicit regarding the hinge material described in chapter 7 .1 .1.3 "The hinge, made out of synthetic material, shall be partially inserted in a PC security card body" ? Our understanding is that synthetic reflects material such as PC, PET, polyamide, polyester, for exemple. Would a hinge with paper or metallic material would not be accepted ? 2. Could you be more explicit regarding the hinge insertion method describe in the same chapter 7 .1 .1.3 ? Our understanding is that the hinge insertion shall not allow the extraction of PC card from the passport booklet without visible tampering traces, thus the hinge can be partially or fully in the PC cardbody. Do we have the same understanding ?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 11:13):
1) The manufacturing material shall be a synthetic one with the following characteristics: durable, flexible, supported mentioned security features, resistant to tampering, preventing the detachment of card body, competent with PC multilayered card body etc. - according to 2) Hinge insertion method: partially inserted, according to the first paragraph of quoted - The hinge, .. shall be partially inserted in a PC card body
26 iun 2024, 15:27
Subiectul întrebării:
Rainbow direction for card and datapage:
7.4.2. "When printing the background design, the iris printing method will be used with the inks running horizontally" Will the iris printing method (ie rainbow) be in identical direction as the current rainbow of the passport datapage type PA and the ID cards (in circulation today in 2024) ?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 11:19):
Yes, the iris printing method will have identical direction as in the current documents.
26 iun 2024, 17:12
Subiectul întrebării:
According to According to PROCUREMENT NOTICE, Clause 21, “Specific awarding techniques and tools (where appropriate specify whether the framework agreement, dynamic procurement system or electronic auction will be used): electronic auction – 3 rounds. The minimum auction step is: Lot no. 1 - MDL 1 724 229,58 (1%); Lot no. 2 – MDL 806 521,00 (1%)” a) Please describe procedures in details how the e. Auction will be conducted. Will there be a ranking (based on the initial submitted offers)? Will the offers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd round visible to the selected bidders? What time window will be given to e.Aucion? Etc. b) How many bidders will be selected for the e.Auction?
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 11:35):
In the award documentation, the contracting authority indicated the minimum step of 1% for the electronic auction, for each round separately. At the same time, we inform you that the decision to change the offer price within the electronic auction rounds belongs to the economic operator. With reference to technical aspects, please contact the technical support of the MTender platform (https://mtender.gov.md/tenders/ocds-b3wdp1-MD-1718109429947?tab=contract-notice).
26 iun 2024, 17:13
Subiectul întrebării:
Estimated value
According to PROCUREMENT NOTICE, Clause 9, Estimated value (MDL) without VAT, (indicated for each lot separately) are indicated. Please confirm if Bidders may submit financial proposal which are above the indicated estimated values. Similarly, please confirm that proposals exceeding estimated value shall not be excluded from participation in the e-auction.
Răspuns (27 iun 2024, 16:21):
The economic operator decides the price of its bid. The economic operator is responsible for uploading the documents (the bid) on the electronic platform and fulfilling the qualification requirements. All bids will be accepted and evaluated.
26 iun 2024, 17:23
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specification/security background design (TD3, TD1)
“7.5.2 The background design shall be made: b) On the title page: - minimum 8 visible colors (6 offset forms including iris printing, metameric Ink Pair and Pantone with UV fluorescence (2 forms with shift colors effect to AB - on the first layer (all in one polycarbonate layer); - minimum 4 invisible colors with UV/BiUV fluorescence (3 offset forms including iris printing (with shift colors effect to A-B-A)) on the second layer (all in one polycarbonate layer)); c) On the data page: - minimum 8 visible colors (6 offset forms including iris printing, metameric Ink Pair and Pantone with UV fluorescence (2 forms with shift colors effect to AB - on the first layer (all in one polycarbonate layer) - minimum 4 invisible colors with UV /Bi UV fluorescence (3 offset forms including iris printing (with shift colors effect to A-B-A)) on the second layer (all in one polycarbonate layer));” Can VIS and UV colors be printed on the same surface of a single polycarbonate film? Can VIS and UV colors be printed on both surfaces of a single polycarbonate film? Do VIS and UV colors have to be printed on separate polycarbonate films?
Răspuns (28 iun 2024, 16:08):
VIS and UV colors cannot be printed on the same surface of a single polycarbonate film. VIS and UV colors can be printed on both surfaces of a single polycarbonate film. VIS and UV colors can be printed on separate polycarbonate films.
26 iun 2024, 18:18
Subiectul întrebării:
eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: Paper used for inner sheets of the passport booklet shall contain as follows: …. b) security fibers in the form of a mixture of at least three types of fibers with fluorescence under UV light: one type of fibers being controllable in the visible area of the spectrum and two types invisible in normal light (multicolored fluorescent fibers (blue, yellow and red) alongside with colored fibers (except blue fluorescent fibers)).
We understood that the PSA would like to have 3 security fibers for the inner sheets and "Remark" pages Please confirm that the following understanding is correct · Blue fibers shall be visible under normal daylight and visible under UV light · Yellow and red multicolored fibers shall be invisible under normal daylight, but visible under UV light.
Răspuns (28 iun 2024, 16:13):
According to the p. paper used for inner sheets of the passport booklet shall contain 3 types of security fibers: 1. One single color fibers VIS + UV fluorescence (red or magenta). 2. Multicolored (three colors - meaning that one same fiber has three different color zones) fibers (blue, yellow and red) - UV fluorescence only. 3. One single color fibers with UV fluorescence only (yellow-green).
26 iun 2024, 18:19
Subiectul întrebării:
eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdff Chapter/Point: 10.4 Functional requirements for the chip and operating system The memory volume of the chip, reserved for personal & biometric data storing, including facial image an two fingerprints shall be at least of 80 KB
Please clarify if the 80 kb memory shall be reserved for 100% personalization of personal data or it includes also the MRTD application? In case you are asking for a chip memory size where the MRTD application is already loaded in the chip then the remaining free / available memory for personalization of personal data is less as 80kb deepening on the MRTD application size.
Răspuns (28 iun 2024, 16:15):
The chip memory volume, reserved ONLY for personal & biometric data storing, including facial image and two fingerprints shall be at least of 80 KB.
26 iun 2024, 18:20
Subiectul întrebării:
eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.5.2 7.5.2 The background design shall be made: a) On the inner cover layer: * minimum 12 visible colors ( 10 offset forms including iris printing, (2 forms with shift colors effect to A-B-A)); * minimum 3 invisible colors with UV /BiUV fluorescence (2 offset forms including iris printing, (with shift colors effect to A-B-A)) * minimum 2 visible colors for intaglio printing; * minimum one color with iridescent ink;
The number of requested visible colors looks quite high which shall be printed on a single paper. For the financial calculation, could you reconfirm, that the number 12 visible colors is correct and please list the colors that shall be printed with the 10 printing plates. A normal printing machine with 4 or 5 offset units would need min 3 or 4 print phases to print all 12 colors. Our understanding is that the 12 colors consist of 10 visible colors and 2 further colors for the iris printing? Further, we would like to ask if the 2 visible colors for the intaglio printing are counted inside of 12 visible colors or additionally? Further, we would like to ask if the one color with iridescent ink; is also counted inside of 12 visible or additionally?
Răspuns (28 iun 2024, 16:16):
The design of the inside cover includes: а) Visible inks: 1 Plate – Iris, 2 inks (colors) (A-B-A) 2 Plate - Iris, 2 inks (colors) (C-D-C) 3 Plate – 1 ink (color) (Pantone) 4 Plate – 1 ink (color) (Pantone + UV fluoriscence) 5 Plate – 1 ink (color) (Pantone + IR fluoriscence) 6-10 Plate – 5 separate inks (colors) (Pantones) for printing Coat of Arms of Republic of Moldova b) Only UV visible inks: 11 Plate – Iris, 2 inks (colors) (A-B-A) 12 Plate – 1 BiUV ink (color) c) 2 visible inks (colors) for intaglio printing; d) 1 ink (color) iridescent.
26 iun 2024, 18:22
Subiectul întrebării:
eID Card: ST_MD_35_37603221_226_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.7.1 pos. 13 The chip shall support separate secure access mechanisms to each of the containers ( 1,2, 3) using PIN (Personal Identification Number): PINI , PIN2, PIN3 - for containers 1, 2, 3 respectively. The chip shall support PIN management using the PUK (Personal Unblocking Key).
We have understood that the chip shall support up 3 different PINs, which are linked to following use cases: · PIN 1 for qualified certificate for electronic signature; · PIN 2 for user identification · PIN 3: for secure email. Question 1: Please confirm if our understanding of the use case for the PINs is correct. Otherwise, please clarify the use case of each PIN 1, 2 and 3. Question 2: Please confirm that one PUK shall be applicable for all 3 PINs , which means that chip shall support one PUK / the same PUK for all 3 containers ?
Răspuns (28 iun 2024, 16:18):
1) Yes, we do confirm that you have understood correctly: · PIN 1 for the qualified certificate for electronic signature; · PIN 2 for user identification · PIN 3 for secure email. 2) Yes, we do confirm that... one PUK will be applicable for all 3 PINs, which means that chip will accept one PUK/same PUK for all 3 containers.
26 iun 2024, 18:23
Subiectul întrebării:
eDI Card: ST_MD_35_37603221_226_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.7.1 Pos 23: Middleware * Middleware for the exploitation of the containers describes in (11) above, and the management of the PIN and PUK (13). * Middleware shall be delivered for all versions of Windows supported by Microsoft in 32 and 64 bits. * Middleware SDK shall be delivered for all Android and iOS versions supported. * Middleware shall support both contact and contactless interfaces with the card. * Middleware shall support the chip and application offered by the Manufacturer (Supplier). * Middleware shall be supported for the duration of the contract, with Maintenance services.
We are asking for clarification of the requirement related to Middleware SDK. Is our understanding correct, that the Beneficiary would like to use this SDK to support also mobile devices (Smartphones) in combination with the dual interface cards (contactless interface) to read the stored eID data? Please confirm that this is the main use case that the SDK shall support?
Răspuns (28 iun 2024, 16:19):
The main use case is that the eID card interacts with the computer. Additional use case: eID card interacts with mobile devices.
27 iun 2024, 01:02
Subiectul întrebării:
eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: Chapter Semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separate elements shall be distributed over a large area of the document to protect the main personalization areas on a discontinuous reflective layer. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them, in order to allow the perfect fusion of the polycarbonate layers during the lamination process. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area (set of different elements with the smallest one being is not bigger than 10 mm2 and the biggest one will not exceed 200 mm2 and the minimum distance between two graphical elements shall be 0.5 mm). DOVID items will display the following features: - maintained in the same plane and angle of light reflection, the two distinct reflective colors of the DOVID will interchange at any 90° rotation. - by tilting DOVID up and down, part or the entire surface of the two colored reflective areas will simultaneously display animations in opposite directions. - a part of one of the two colored reflective areas forms an object that renders a positive 3D relief effect on the "DOVID" surface. The DOVID will be applied to a layer of polycarbonate to ensure adhesion with the body of the card, being placed în the structure of the card above the layer of biographical data engraved by laser. Area size: minimum 70mm x 35 mm.
DOVID: in the chapter - point g) , the requirements for the DOVID has been written in the tender specification very exact and in detailed manner. The bidder requests for clarification: a) whether the intention is to reuse the DOVID from today's current ePassport b) a new DOVID design shall be created by PSA and related costs shall be borne by the PSA (as in chapter 6.3 technical documentation says: "drawing up the design will be carried out by Public Services Agency (PSA)") or c) a new DOVID design shall be created by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder ?
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 15:45):
a) PSA will not use the current design of DOVID. b, c) PSA will provide a DOVID design, the final DOVID design shall be adapted by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder.
27 iun 2024, 01:03
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: General Clauses, Art. 11.2 Art. 11.2 of the Contract mentions that "Proprietatea intelectuală asupra Bunurilor livrate aparţine Cumpărătorului"
Considering that intellectual property rights and copyrights are further described in the next sentences of the clause, please confirm that it is actually meant that the ownership of the goods is meant to be transferred to the Customer when delivered, thus the first sentence of clause 11.2 becoming: "Proprietatea asupra Bunurilor livrate aparţine Cumpărătorului din momentul livrării".
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:54):
The Contracting Authority confirms that the ownership of the delivered Goods belongs to the Buyer from the moment of delivery.
27 iun 2024, 01:03
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: Specific Clauses, Art. 1.
Please provide a more specific deadline for the Customer to deliver the Design for Lot 1, other than "first trimester of 2025"
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 15:46):
Deadline for the PSA to deliver the Design for Lot #1- Not later than March 31, 2025,
27 iun 2024, 01:03
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: Art. 8 c)
Please confirm that the compensation for the Goods found with non-conformities according to the Contract shall be limited to the value of the Goods found with non-conformities, while the overall compensation for this case under the Contract shall not exceed the Contract Value.
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 15:48):
The compensation conditions are outlined in p.8, letter c) of part II SPECIAL CONDITIONS.
27 iun 2024, 01:05
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
As the bidder is in a country in the EEA and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) is applicable as personal data of EU citizens are provided to the Customer. As, in case of a signature of the Contract, the Customer and the Supplier are both controllers, while personal data is to be exchanged with the Customer, outside the European Economical Area Please confirm that, in case of an award, the Standard Contractual Clauses provided and available on the website of the European Commission can be signed between the parties as part of the Contract.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 13:57):
The model of the contract, placed on the Automated Information System “State Register of Public Procurement”, is part of the standard documentation to the contracting authority, and the economic operators participating in the tender are obliged to accept the requirements of the contracting authority.
27 iun 2024, 01:06
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
As the bidder is in a country in the EU, the provisions of the EU Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 applies, and therefore it is mandatory to have included, in the contract with the Customers, a clause in application of Article 12g of the Regulation, providing that the Customer / Buyer shall not sell, export or re-export, directly or indirectly any goods and/or technologies supplied under the Contract to a) the Russian Federation or for use in the Russian Federation and in the Ukrainian territories controlled by the Russian Federation, or b) any individual or entity subject to EU sanctions or restrictive measures, as well as to any entity owned by, controlled by or acting for individuals or entities subject to EU sanctions or restrictive measures and that breach of such clause shall be deemed a material breach of the Contract. Please confirm that in case of an award such clause will be inserted in the Contract to be signed or that the Customer will provide a statement in this regard after the signature of the Contract.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 14:05):
Award documentation doesn't change. The Object of purchase is strictly determined for the requirements of the contracting authority.
27 iun 2024, 01:06
Subiectul întrebării:
eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 11.2.5 11.2.5 Remarks and visa pages shall contain the following security printing features : …[..] e) floating numeration of pages (combination of collocation marks and page numbers) invisible under normal light, exhibiting fluorescence under UV light;
The term "collocation marks a" is not clear , we kindly ask PSA to explain in more details this requested security feature.
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 15:52):
It a mistake in the translation. The correct wording is “Collation mark”- which means floating mark.
27 iun 2024, 01:07
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: 12 12. Final provisions , II. SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS In this chapter the Buyer describes the phases for the design project. (LOT 1 & 2)
Please confirm that our understanding is correct: Buyer will prepare Design Projects and will deliver them to the Supplier. Please provide the definition of “Design Projects of the Goods”, and what elements are included in it?
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 15:56):
The Design projects of the Good will include: the final design of the document's background (high-quality vector and raster graphics) with the document name and data field names, requirements for the positioning and shape of security features, as well as a description of the inks used and their characteristics (e.g., color transition in iris printing). The files will be presented in PDF and/or CGT (Corvina) format, for each separate layers and colors.
27 iun 2024, 01:07
Subiectul întrebării:
eRP: ST_MD_35_37603221_228_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.2.1 According to chapter 7.2.1 a Semi-transparent DOVID shall be applied to the eRP - residence card.
For the financial calculation we are asking for clarification if the bidder can use the same DOVID as for the eID card ?
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 15:57):
The same DOVID will be used for all types of cards ID1 from lot no. 2.
27 iun 2024, 01:08
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: 10.3 10.3. For late delivery of Goods, the Supplier shall bear material liability in the amount of 0.1 % of the amount of undelivered Goods for each day of delay, but not more than 10,0 % of the total amount of this Contract.
Please confirm that the limit shall be, for each delay delivery, 10% of the total value of the delayed Goods or, alternatively, 10% of the value of the delayed delivery/Purchase Order.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 14:09):
Within the meaning of point 10.3 of the Model Contract, for late delivery of Goods, the Supplier shall bear material liability in the amount of 0.1 % of the amount of undelivered Goods for each day of delay. The amount of all penalties shall not exceed 10% of the total value of the Contract.
27 iun 2024, 01:08
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: II. Special Conditions - Art. 3 Art. 3. Provides that "Furnizorul, în termen de 30 zile calendaristice de la aprobarea finală de către Cumpărător a modelelor de blanchete asamblate, este obligat să producă și să livreze gratuit Cumpărătorului, pentru necesitățile tehnologice Blanchete - specimene, conform Planului de livrări..."
Considering that the delivery time for some of the components that can only be ordered after the approval of the design is much higher than 30 days, we kindly ask the Contracting Authority to consider an extended time for the delivery of the samples, for example 180 days instead.
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 16:03):
Please take in to consideration the requirements stated in the tender documentation.
27 iun 2024, 01:23
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: 10.2 Art. 10.2 provides that "Pentru refuzul de a livra Bunurile, prevăzute în prezentul Contract sau pentru livrarea necorespunzătoare a acestora, Furnizorului i se reține garanția de bună execuție constituită conform prevederilor pct. 10.1."
Please confirm that in case penalty for delay according to Art. 10.3 are applied and paid, the Performance Bond will not be executed, unless the penalty is not paid by the Supplier within the deadline and, in such case, that value to be executed will be the value of the applicable penalty for delay not paid by the Supplier.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 14:11):
According to point 10.3 of the Model Contract, for late delivery of Goods, the Supplier shall bear material liability in the amount of 0.1 % of the amount of undelivered Goods for each day of delay, but not more than 10,0 % of the total amount of this Contract. If the delay in the delivery of goods or the delay in the removal of defects in their delivery exceeds 45 (forty-five) calendar days, the Supplier shall provide the Buyer with a written explanation. If the Buyer accepts the Supplier's explanation, the Supplier shall extend the period of validity of the Performance Security, otherwise it shall be considered as a refusal to deliver the Goods provided for in this Contract and the Performance Security, shall be withheld from the Supplier. According to point 10.3 of the Model Contract, the amount of the penalty calculated for the Supplier under the Contract may be deducted (withheld) by the Buyer from the amount of the payment for the delivered Goods.
27 iun 2024, 01:23
Subiectul întrebării:
eID: ST_MD_35_37603221_226_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.2.1 7.2.1 Semi-transparent DOVID cons1stmg of separate elements shall be distributed over a large area of the document to protect the main personalization areas on a discontinuous reflective layer. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them, in order to allow the perfect fusion of the polycarbonate layers during the lamination process. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area (set of different elements with the smallest one being not bigger then 10 mm2 and the biggest one will not exeed 200 mm2 and the minimum distance between two graphical elements shall be 0,5 mm). DOVID items will display the following feature: - maintained in the same plane and angle of light reflection, the two distinct reflective colors of the DOVID will interchange at any 90° rotation. - by tilting DOVID up and down, part or the entire surface of the two colored reflective areas will simultaneously display animations in opposite directions. - a part of one of the two colored reflective areas forms an object that renders a positive 3D relief effect on the "DOVID" surface. - the DOVID will be applied to a layer of polycarbonate to ensure adhesion with the body of the card, being placed in the structure of the card above the layer of biographical data engraved by laser. Area size: minimum 31 mm x 31 mm.
DOVID: in the chapter 7.2.1, the requirements for the DOVID has been written in the tender specification very exact and in detailed manner. The bidder requests for clarification: a) whether the intention is to reuse the DOVID from today's current ID card, or b) a new DOVID design shall be created by PSA and related costs shall be borne by the PSA (as in chapter 6.6 technical documentation says: "drawing up the design will be carried out by Public Services Agency (PSA)") or c) a new DOVID design shall be created by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder ?
Răspuns (29 iun 2024, 16:05):
a) PSA will not use the current design of DOVID. b, c) PSA will provide a DOVID design, the final DOVID design shall be adapted by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder.
27 iun 2024, 01:25
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
Inflation : do we have the possibility to add a variation of price following a specific index?
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 14:13):
Award documentation of the contracting authority doesn't provide for the possibility of adjusting the unit price/value of the contract.
27 iun 2024, 01:25
Subiectul întrebării:
Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
Payment term : as no down payment seems to be approved we would like to add a payment by a letter of Credit ( irrevocable and confirmed by an international bank)?
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 14:14):
The payment terms are indicated in the Model Contract. The model contract doesn't change.
27 iun 2024, 01:26
Subiectul întrebării:
eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 8.3 8.3 The sewing method that stitches the sheets into the booklet must be done through the chip inlay located in the cover to prevent the inlay from being removed from the passport booklet and must prevent the pages from being removed \without leaving clear traces of this.
Regarding the request that the sewing must be done through the chip inlay located in the cover to prevent the inlay from being removed from the passport booklet, we would like the customer to kindly consider making optional. First, it adds no security: the risk of inlay removing from a booklet is not a threat. Most forgeries involve disabling the inlay by cutting the connection between the antenna and the module, not removing the whole inlay (it would leave many visible marks like creases or air bubbles on the inner cover). Secondly, it is not standard and requires adaptation that will increase the price of the document.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 09:46):
Thank you for the recomendation, but please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.
27 iun 2024, 12:25
Subiectul întrebării:
According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 7.1.2 Security features,, clause d) the data page shall include the lenticular surface containing offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and this lenticular surface will be partially filled out during personalization process. According to clause 12.3.10 On the lenticular surface of the MLI the secondary image of the holder and the serial number of the passport shall be engraved. Question: Please confirm that the lenticular surface objects that are described in the mentioned clauses is the same (one) object or are these two separate objects (one with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and one lenticular surface object containing secondary photo and serial number).
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 09:48):
The lenticular surface object is the same (one) object (a part of it with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and another part of lenticular surface object will contain the secondary photo and serial number).
27 iun 2024, 12:25
Subiectul întrebării:
According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 7.1.2 Security features, clause e) a transparent window with color changing effect is required. The color changing trasparent window shall also accept laser engraving during personalization. Question: Please clarify what data shall be laser engraved in the color changing transparent window.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 09:54):
In the color changing transparent window will be engraved the secondary image of the holder.
27 iun 2024, 12:26
Subiectul întrebării:
According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 7.1.2 Security features, clause g) a semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separete elements shall be distributed over large area of the document. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area. Question: Please clarify whether the separate DOVID elements are expected to be included on the foil which covers full area of document with DOVID effect elements placed at the required distance or shall DOVID effect elements be included on appropriate separate foil pieces which would cover only the appropriate size area of document which depends on the element size.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 09:58):
The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.
27 iun 2024, 12:26
Subiectul întrebării:
According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 7.2.2 Security features of the paper, clause and clause, Paper used for manufacturing of the inside cover layer and paper used for inner sheets of the passport booklet shall contain at least three types of fibers with fluorescence under UV light. One type of fiber being controllable in the visible part of the spectrum and two types invisible in normal light (multicolored fluorescent fibers (blue, yellow and red) alongside with colored fibers (except blue fluorescent fibers)). Question: Please clarify or confirm that PSA require at least three types of fibers with fluorescence under UV, one of which is to be a visible UV fluorescent fiber of any colour, the second type to be invisible UV fluorescent multicolor (rainbow-like) fiber which fluoresces in three colors (blue, yellow and red) at the same time (meaning that one same fiber has three different colour zones) and third fiber to be invisible of any UV fluorescent color.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 09:59):
According to the p. and p. paper used for inside cover layer and inner sheets of the passport booklet shall contain 3 types of security fibers: 1. One single color fibers VIS + UV fluorescence (red or magenta). 2. Multicolored (three colors - meaning that one same fiber has three different color zones) fibers (blue, yellow and red) - UV fluorescence only. 3. One single color fibers with UV fluorescence only (yellow-green).
27 iun 2024, 12:27
Subiectul întrebării:
According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 8 Binding of the passport booklet, clause 8.3, the sewing method that stitches the sheets into the booklet must be done through the chip inlay located in the cover to prevent the inlay from being removed from the passport booklet and must prevent the pages from being removed without leaving clear traces of this. Question: It is a very uncommon requirement to have stitching trough the chip inlay located in the cover. Normally, the chip inlay is a part of the ecover fixed with reactive or non-reactive bond and there is no way to stitch through it as it would also stitch the cover through. Usually the inlay has a gap in the stitching area. The common practice is bonding the inlay to the cover and the sewn pages secures it from being removed from the booklet while the reinforcement tape secures the pages from being removed from booklet without the trace. Please confirm that the above mentioned practice without stitching though the ecover is acceptable.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:01):
Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.
27 iun 2024, 12:28
Subiectul întrebării:
ID card
According to ST MD 35-37603221-226:2024, Annex B on the Identity card, clause 7.2.1, a semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separete elements shall be distributed over large area of the document. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area. Question: Please clarify whether the separate DOVID elements are expected to be included on the foil which covers full area of document with DOVID effect elements placed at the required distance or shall DOVID effect elements be included on appropriate separate foil pieces which would cover only the appropriate size area of document which depends on the element size.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:03):
The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.
27 iun 2024, 12:28
Subiectul întrebării:
ID card
According to ST MD 35-37603221-226:2024, Annex B on the Identity card, 7.2.3 and, the lenticular surface of the outer layer of the substrate located on the backside of the card intended for CLI/MLI images, will contain offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and this lenticular surface will be partially filled out during personalization process. Accoring to clause The following features will be laser engraved through the lenticular surface on the backside: the secondary image of the holder, the serial number of the identity card and the expiry date. Question: Please confirm that the lenticular surface objects that are described in the mentioned clauses is the same (one) object or are these two separate objects (one with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and one lenticular surface object containing secondary photo and serial number).
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:05):
The lenticular surface object is the same (one) object (a part of it with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and another part of lenticular surface object will contain the secondary photo and serial number).
27 iun 2024, 12:28
Subiectul întrebării:
RC card
According to ST MD 35-37603221-228:2024, Annex B on the Residence card, clause 7.2.1, a semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separete elements shall be distributed over large area of the document. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area. Question: Please clarify whether the separate DOVID elements are expected to be included on the foil which covers full area of document with DOVID effect elements placed at the required distance or shall DOVID effect elements be included on appropriate separate foil pieces which would cover only the appropriate size area of document which depends on the element size.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:08):
The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.
27 iun 2024, 12:29
Subiectul întrebării:
All Technical Documentation DOVID in all documents
Can you please confirm that for all passport types the same DOVID will be used? Can you please confirm that for all ID-1 cards (ID, RC, DL, VP) the same DOVID will be used?
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:10):
We do confirm that for all passport types the same DOVID will be used. We do confirm that for all ID-1 cards (ID, RC, DL, VP) the same DOVID will be used.
27 iun 2024, 12:29
Subiectul întrebării:
Driver‘s license
According to ST MD 35-37603221-229:2024, Annex A on the DRIVING LICENSE, clause 7.2.1, a semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separete elements shall be distributed over large area of the document. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area. Question: Please clarify whether the separate DOVID elements are expected to be included on the foil which covers full area of document with DOVID effect elements placed at the required distance or shall DOVID effect elements be included on appropriate separate foil pieces which would cover only the appropriate size area of document which depends on the element size.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:12):
The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.
27 iun 2024, 12:29
Subiectul întrebării:
Driver‘s license
According to ST MD 35-37603221-229:2024, Annex A on the DRIVING LICENSE, 7.2.3 and 8.9, the lenticular surface of the outer layer of the substrate located on the front side of the card intended for CLI/MLI images, will contain offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and this lenticular surface will be partially filled out during personalization process. Accoring to clause 8.9 The following features will be laser engraved through the lenticular surface on the backside: the secondary image of the holder, the serial number of the identity card and the expiry date. Question: Please confirm that the lenticular surface objects that are described in the mentioned clauses is the same (one) object or are these two separate objects (one with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and one lenticular surface object containing secondary photo and serial number).
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:13):
The lenticular surface object is the same (one) object (a part of it with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and another part of lenticular surface object will contain the secondary photo and serial number).
27 iun 2024, 13:52
Subiectul întrebării:
eID: ST_MD_35_37603221_226_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.2.1 7.2.1 Semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separate elements shall be distributed over a large area of the document to protect the main personalization areas on a discontinuous reflective layer. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them, in order to allow the perfect fusion of the polycarbonate layers during the lamination process. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area (set of different elements with the smallest one being not bigger then 10 mm2 and the biggest one will not exeed 200 mm2 and the minimum distance between two graphical elements shall be 0,5 mm). DOVID items will display the following feature: - maintained in the same plane and angle of light reflection, the two distinct reflective colors of the DOVID will interchange at any 90° rotation. - by tilting DOVID up and down, part or the entire surface of the two colored reflective areas will simultaneously display animations in opposite directions. - a part of one of the two colored reflective areas forms an object that renders a positive 3D relief effect on the "DOVID" surface. - the DOVID will be applied to a layer of polycarbonate to ensure adhesion with the body of the card, being placed in the structure of the card above the layer of biographical data engraved by laser. Area size: minimum 31 mm x 31 mm.
Could you clarify the following items : a) “Semi-transparent DOVID" Can you confirm our understanding that the DOVID shall be transparent and not mettalic ? b) "a discontinuous reflective layer. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them" Can you confirm our understanding that there shall not be any glue between 2 elements ?
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:15):
a)It`s confirmed b) The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.
27 iun 2024, 13:55
Subiectul întrebării:
eID Card: ST_MD_35_37603221_226_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.7.1 pos. 5 Minimum available memory for user data shall be 120 kB, where: - 85 kB shall be reserved for the personalization of the applications described in (16) - 3 5 kB shall be reserved for future use and storage of personal data.
During personalization process and Eid, in the chip shall be inserted the following data, according to ICAO application: - data about the identity card; - data about the holder; - biometric data - the public key, the private key and the authentication certificate ( online ); - the public key, private key and qualified certificate for electronic signature - the public key, private key and certificate for secured email. In our experience and testing : a) 65Kb are sufficient to store the personal data described above as well as the personalization of the applications described in Chapter/Point: 7.7.1 pos. 16. b) 15Kb are sufficient to store additional data that we will detail this in our offer. Therefore in the target of offering the most secured product, answering the operational needs of PSA, all in the global interest for Republic Of Moldova to lower costs, we are asking for adaptation of the requirements with a minimum available memory for user of 80Kb (65 kB shall be reserved for the personalization of the applications / 15 kB shall be reserved for future use and storage of personal data) What do you intend to do with this free space for storage of personal data ? your need if for data or a to load an application (ex health app , driving licence app ..)
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:16):
Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.
27 iun 2024, 13:57
Subiectul întrebării:
datapage dovid
Could you clarify the following items : a) “Semi-transparent DOVID" Can you confirm our understanding that the DOVID shall be transparent and not mettalic ? b) "a discontinuous reflective layer. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them" Can you confirm our understanding that there shall not be any glue between 2 elements ? c) "DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area" As the elements can be discontinuous can you confirm that we can use 2 holograms of 30x35mm to reach the minimum size of 70x35mm
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:18):
a)It`s confirmed b) The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion. c) It’s not confirmed because the DOVID image cannot be divided in two parts.
27 iun 2024, 14:11
Subiectul întrebării:
Transparent window: colour shifting
Should be the colour shifting of the transparent window the same for passport booklets, IDs and DLs cards?
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:19):
The colour shifting of the transparent window should be the same for passport booklets, IDs and DLs cards.
27 iun 2024, 14:12
Subiectul întrebării:
All Technical Documentation DOVID in all documents
Can you please confirm that for all passport types DOVID size shall be of minimum size 70mm x 35 mm and can be applied as patch of such a size on the polycarbonate layer, and it is not required to apply DOVID of size of full ID-3 datapage ? Can you please confirm that for all ID-1 cards (ID, RC, DL, VP) DOVID size shall be of minimum size 31 mm x 31 mm and can be applied as patch of such a size on the polycarbonate layer, and it is not required to apply DOVID of size of full ID-1 document? Can you please clarify / confirm if the DOVID shall cover the full photo area of the ID1 and passport document or only part of the photo area and part of demographic data fields, which is common for government secured documents?
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 10:22):
We do confirm that for all passport types DOVID size shall be of minimum size 70mm x 35 mm. We do confirm that for all ID-1 cards (ID, RC, DL, VP) DOVID size shall be of minimum size 31 mm x 31 mm. We do confirm that the DOVID shall cover a part of the photo area and part of demographic data fields of the ID1 and passport document. The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
1 iul 2024, 10:35
Subiectul întrebării:
Tender guarantee
Please be so kind as to inform if the tender guarantee must be only electronically submitted by the deadline for the Tender submission, or if the original must also be sent to PSA in physical format. Please also confirm that a bank guarantee issued by financial institutions lawfully operating in any country of the European Union (EU) or of the European Economic Area (EEA) is accepted. Thank you.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 13:32):
By the deadline, the bid security 1%, must be uploaded mandatory by the bidder along with the rest of the bid documents. According to subpoint no. 3, of the point no. 17 from the Procurement notice, the bid security should be presented: Electronic copies of the hand-signed paper documents without the application of the electronic signature or the documents confirmed by electronic signature of the economic operator. (electronic signature recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova) The original document of the bank guarantee (bid security issued by a bank) will be presented on the request of the contracting authority.
1 iul 2024, 12:19
Subiectul întrebării:
Technical specifications
“11.1.5. On the inside of page cover shall be applied also graphical feature printed with OVI ink. Could you specify printing technique, color shifting, maximum size of such element and define whether it is patch or repeated pattern. For color shifting – is there one particular pair of colours fixed already by PSA (e.g magenta to green) or there are options. Additionally, we would like to confirm it is common OVI, and not SPARK.
Răspuns (1 iul 2024, 13:17):
Printing technique- at the bidder discretion. Maximum size about -2,5 cm2 Color shifting –will be approved at the preparation stage of the blank production process. It is common OVI, and not SPARK.
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