Perioada de actualizare
de la 12.08.2022 17:50
până la 04.09.2022 15:31
Propunerea ofertelor
de la 04.09.2022 15:31
până la 25.09.2022 15:31

Ofertele au fost evaluate
Statut Activ
Valoarea estimată fără TVA 600 000 EUR
Perioada clarificărilor: 12 aug 2022, 17:50 - 4 sept 2022, 15:31
Perioada de depunere a ofertelor: 4 sept 2022, 15:31 - 25 sept 2022, 15:31
Începutul licitației: nu va fi folosită

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(+373) 79999801

Aceasta procedura se va desfășura fară licitație electronică. Oferta Dvs. este finală și trebuie să conțină toată lista de documente cerută de documentația de atribuire.

Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
Informaţia despre solicitant
Codul fiscal/IDNO
MD 4601, MOLDOVA, Edineț, mun.Edineţ, O.Cerempei 30
Web site
Persoana de contact
Nume Prenume
Telefonul de contact
Datele achizitiei
Data publicării
12 aug 2022, 9:52
Data ultimilor modificări
25 aug 2022, 17:02
Valoarea estimată (fără TVA)
600 000 EUR
Achizitii.md ID
Tipul procedurii
Licitație deschisă
Criteriu de atribuire
Costul cel mai scăzut
Adresa de livrare
MD 4601, MOLDOVA, Edineț, mun.Edineţ, O.Cerempei 30
Durata contractului
5 oct 2022 09:57 - 30 mai 2023 09:57
Lista pozițiilor
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț CPV: 45200000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii complete sau parţiale şi lucrări publice
Cantitatea: 1.0
Unități de măsură: Bucata
Documentele procedurii de achiziție
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
invitation_en.docx.signed.pdf invitation_en.docx.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
volum 1_s2_4_tender form.docx
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
volume 2_s2_annexgc_en.pdf volume 2_s2_annexgc_en.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
d4j1_fif_en.pdf d4j1_fif_en.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
plan-general edinet (trasee iluminat) (1).jpg
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
volum 4_s2_financial offer.docx
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
anunt de participare.signed.pdf anunt de participare.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
volume 5_drowings.docx
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
administrative compliance grid.docx
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
volume 2_s1_draft_contract_spec cond_en.docx
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
d4j3_lefcompany_en.pdf d4j3_lefcompany_en.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
12.08.22 17:50
Documentele lotului
volume 3_technical specification_actualizat_25_08_22.signed.pdf
25.08.22 17:02

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1) Selectați învingătorul dînd clic pe butonul recunoaște învingator.

2) Trimiteți în termen de 3 zile la adresa de e-mail AAP bap@tender.gov.md forma scanată a deciziei grupului de lucru.

3) După selectarea învingătorului, faceți clic pe butonul: “Confirmă decizia”.

Calificarea participanţilor
Denumirea participantului
Preţul ofertei
Denumirea participantului:

FCI "Capital" SRL

Preţul ofertei: 698 332,88 EUR
Statut: Anulat
Motivul: Ofertantul nu corespunde capacității economice și financiare
Documentele de calificare
Nu sunt documente de calificare
Documentele depuse cu oferta
Istoria licitației
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Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 13:40
Subiectul întrebării:
The main scope of the tender
1. As it is specifically expressed in the Technical specification, the main scope of the tender is the design and building of the investment object (Achiziția lucrărilor de execuție și proiectare pentru obiectul de investiție), where the term “proiectare” assumes that there have not been chosen any specific ideology, technical standards or topology of the system. All those mentioned above should be defined within the project documentation ONLY. It means, that the main scope of the project has to be described by the Contractor in general conceptual matters, with no specific (obvious or hidden) referrals to any proprietary technologies and solutions. We must state that this principle was not respected in the Technical specification to the tender, whilst the Contractor included a number of criteria that clearly favors specific producers. After a detailed analyses of the Technical specification we have a firm conviction that tender requirements were drafted exclusively for Schreder smart lighting and Panasonic video surveillance solutions or extremely similar solution providers. The question is the following: What is the meaning of this tender if the announced technical conditions by default make impossible the participation of other vendors AND the Contractor has already decided upon the equipment and the technologies to be applied?
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:36):
In the process of writing the specifications, we were guided by the quality standards, but also by the success stories, realized in similar projects, including based on the experience of our project partners. The minimum required parameters of the equipment are general and do not contain specific references to specific manufacturers. You are welcome to participate with high-quality solutions with the required warranty period.
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 13:41
Subiectul întrebării:
Chapter 3, point 3.5, page 14 “Modul de control instalat pe aparatul de iluminat”
2. In Chapter 3, point 3.5, page 14 “Modul de control instalat pe aparatul de iluminat”, the Contractor specifically referred that he proposed management system should be Cloud-based. Is it a normal practice to construct a municipal street lighting system using cloud-based technologies, where all information is processed through foreign servers outside Moldova, in Germany or Austria, for example? Shouldn’t it be considered as a potential threat to energetic security and independence of municipality? We strongly believe that such solution will not favor any of the beneficiaries of such project: not the Edinet municipality, not the Red Nord SA and neither the Republic of Moldova in general, if scaled and propagated in entire country, because in order to provide the energetic security of the country, the servers, software, management systems should be based inside the country, and, even better, in the municipality of Edinet itself. The question is the following: Why the Contractor imposes the Cloud-based solution which is neither common for city smart lighting nor secure and reliable for the municipality?
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:37):
On page 15 of the same document, you find the requirement, which indicates the possibility of offering a stand-alone remote control and management system, installed on a local platform. “Sistemul va fi stand-alone (pe PC/Server oferit de instalator, cu sistem de operare licențiat) sau de tip Cloud. În cazul soluției bazate pe Cloud, vor fi achitate serviciile pentru toată perioada de garanție a corpurilor de iluminat; » You are welcome to offer a solution, which, in your opinion, will correspond to the interests of the energy security of the Republic of Moldova.
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 13:42
Subiectul întrebării:
Point 3.5 on page 14
3. Point 3.5 on page 14 provides that the controller should communicate directly with the cloud-based server, and any intermediary equipment such as data concentrators should be strictly avoided. On the contrary, classic topology of smart lighting systems of the majority of providers consists of: a server, nodal solutions (concentrators) and controllers. In such a way the full and centralized automation of the city lighting system is assured both on the trunk main level (streets) and on the level of each lighting unit (LED). The question is the following: Why the Contractor, lacking any technical project or design, from the very beginning imposes a certain smart lightning system architecture which is, above all, not the most common one for the industry?
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:59):
The final technical solution, including the architecture of the communication system, will be provided by the designer, who will take into account the specific regulations and the legislation of the EU and the Republic of Moldova. You are welcome to offer a workable solution with a topology you think is correct.
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 13:42
Subiectul întrebării:
Chapter 3, p.3.5. on page 13
4. The Chapter 3, p.3.5. on page 13 provides that a specialized connector for sensors should be located on the inferior part of the luminaries. This provision again seems to be specified especially for a proprietary solution, that already comes equipped with such a socket, because technically this socket can be located on other parts of the luminaries or could be incorporated into the luminary or controller itself, preserving the same functionality and capacities. Therefore, we have a reasonable suspicion that the tender technical specifications where drafted to favor a specific producer (for example Schreder), thus discriminating local Moldavian smart solution providers or other European provides of such technologies. The question is the following: Why the Contractor, lacking any technical project or design, from the very beginning imposes a certain form factor of the lighting unit?
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:38):
Conform CS capitolul 7 avem urmatoarea precizare” În toată documentaţia, acolo unde specificaţiile tehnice indică o anumită origine, sursă, producţie, un procedeu special, o marcă de fabrică sau de comerţ, un brevet de invenţie, o licenţă de fabricaţie, acestea sunt menţionate doar pentru identificarea cu uşurinţă a tipului de produs şi NU au ca efect favorizarea sau liminarea anumitor operatori economici sau a anumitor produse. În consecinţă,aceste specificaţii sunt considerate ca având menţiunea „de” ”sau echivalent”.” Deci ofertanti pot sa furnizeze orice produs care are amplasat in orice locatie priza solicitata. According to volume3 chapter 7 we have the following statement: In all the documentation, where the technical specifications indicate a certain origin, source, production, a special process, a factory or trade mark, an invention patent, a manufacturing license, these are mentioned only to easily identify the type of product and do NOT have the effect of favoring or eliminating certain economic operators or certain products. Accordingly, these specifications are deemed to have the mention "of" "or equivalent". So bidders can supply any product that has the requested sockets placed on any location.
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 13:43
Subiectul întrebării:
p. 3.8., page 19, “Camerele pentru supraveghere video”
5. As according p. 3.8., page 19, “Camerele pentru supraveghere video”: the technical specification for the video surveillance system with AI is practically copied from the Panasonic i-PRO series datasheet, or extremely similar product. Moreover, some technical requirements are quite contradictory: -for example, in general characteristics one of the requirements is the image resolution of 1920x1080 with 60 fps while effective pixels required for the camera are 2.1 MP. Will this resolution be sufficient for a smart city project? Definitely not. The average requirement should be 6-8, but not less than 5 MP. The question is the following: Why the Contractor, lacking any technical project or design, imposes an extremely detailed specification which suspiciously resembles the characteristics of a particular product/vendor?
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:38):
The 1920x1080 resolution is exactly 2.1 MP. The published specifications are the minimum requirements, so you are welcome to offer better equipment you consider suitable.
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 13:43
Subiectul întrebării:
Chapter 2, p.2.4. Descrierea generală și cerințele generale minime a lucrărilor
6. As for Chapter 2, p.2.4. Descrierea generală și cerințele generale minime a lucrărilor, in paragraph “Descrierea modului de realizare a lucrărilor de bază”, item 6 (page 8) provides for installation of presence sensors only. In fact, the desired function could be even better performed using a smart motion sensor or video analytics of image capture. The question is the following: Why the Contractor, lacking any technical project or design, from the very beginning imposes a certain technical solution?
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:39):
As in the previous answers, this is the minimum what should be, you are welcome to offer solutions, which you consider appropriate.
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 13:44
Subiectul întrebării:
Chapter 2, p.2.4. item 7
7. As according the Chapter 2, p.2.4. Descrierea generală și cerințele generale minime a lucrărilor, in paragraph “Descrierea modului de realizare a lucrărilor de bază”, item 7 (page 8) – contains the provision that the bidder should provide acoustic signaling for the visually impaired pedestrians. The required functionality is performed only by the traffic light installations and in no way could be included in the smart lighting tender, but should be part of a separate tender on traffic management or urban mobility. Please, clarify this issue.
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:39):
the fragment you refer to, pedestrian crossings without traffic lights are mentioned, the lighting of which is a component of the given project.
Modernizarea sistemului de iluminat public al Municipiului Edineț
24 aug 2022, 17:12
Subiectul întrebării:
Point 3.8, letter B and C., page 19.
8. Point 3.8, letter B., page 19. „Interval Dinamic 144Db (Super dynamic: activat”) – this type of cameras is capable of shooting in any, even extremely difficult lighting conditions, the minimum value for providing a high-quality image is 120Db and the maximum is 140Db. The specification of the exact value of 144Db – means it was copied from a particular model datasheet. Super dynamic is a proprietary name for the so-called technology that due to a specialized software achieves additional 4DB , but any laboratory tests can prove that in fact it is only 140 Db. C. LENTILE : the same situation is with the lens properties. Exact specifications were given instead of stating the minimum and maximal thresholds for lens capacities. Rough copying of data from a particular vendor (Panasonic or extremely similar) datasheets led to the fact that such proprietary (commercial) names as Smart VIQS and AI Privacy Guard were included in the technical specification requirements. The question is the following: Is it acceptable and appropriate that the contracting authority is compiling the tender technical specifications based on specific product/provider, thus ignoring the main principles and provisions of the public procurement law?
Răspuns (25 aug 2022, 16:42):
According to the terms of volume 3, chapter 7, the published parameters are the minimum acceptable and you can bid on any equipment that will meet the minimum conditions or better performance. But we have corrected in the revised volume 3, the interval of 140-144 Db.
Cu părere de rău întrebările se pun doar în perioada "Activ".