Select the type of procedure
Commercial procurement
Enquiry period
11.02.2025 09:12
to 17.02.2025 09:30
to 17.02.2025 09:30
Bidding period
17.02.2025 09:30
to 21.02.2025 10:00
to 21.02.2025 10:00
24.02.2025 08:00
to 24.02.2025 11:51
to 24.02.2025 11:51
Estimated value without VAT
613 300 MDL
Period of clarifications:
11 Feb 2025, 9:12 - 17 Feb 2025, 9:30
Submission of proposals:
17 Feb 2025, 9:30 - 21 Feb 2025, 10:00
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Subscribe impossible
during the period Evaluation
Comsumabile, Reactivi, Solventi, Echipamente de protectie și Preparate farmaceutice / LPOVPUF
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2051, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Murelor, 3
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
11 Feb 2025, 9:12
Date modified
11 Feb 2025, 10:50 ID
MTender ID
33100000-1 - Echipamente medicale
Type of procedure
Request price offers (goods)
Award criteria
The lowest price
Funding sources
List of lots
Lot nr. 3 - LOT 3 Electrod din sticlă de referință
Budget: 1800.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 4 - LOT 4 Electrod ionselectiv pentru Nitrat-ion NO3-
Budget: 4000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 8 - LOT 8 Inleturi Inlet Sleeve Bruker
Budget: 28400.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 11 - LOT 11 Tub de centrifugare cu capac, PP
Budget: 300.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 14 - LOT 14 Ulei pentru pompa de vid LC-MS/MS
Budget: 6000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 17 - LOT 17 Vialuri cu filet (Screw neck vials) ND 8
Budget: 1120.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 38 - LOT 38 Test de proficiență pentru Determinarea conținutului de nitrați
Budget: 6000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 39 - LOT 39 Test de proficiență pentru Determinarea reziduurilor de pesticide prin GC-MS/MS / LC-MS/MS
Budget: 20000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 40 - LOT 40 Triphenyl phosphate analytical standard
Budget: 900.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 41 - LOT 41 Termometru digital trasabil cu sonda pentru monitorizarea din exterior a temperaturii echipamentelor inchise (congelator,...)
Budget: 5000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 46 - LOT 46 Masti medicale de unica folosinta
Budget: 350.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 47 - LOT 47 Halate de unica folosinta
Budget: 15000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 48 - LOT 48 Perie de curățare pentru eprubete
Budget: 70.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 49 - LOT 49 Perie de curățare pentru eprubete
Budget: 60.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 50 - LOT 50 Perie de curățare pentru eprubete
Budget: 100.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 51 - LOT 51 Perie de curățare pentru eprubete
Budget: 65.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 52 - LOT 52 Perie de curățare pentru eprubete
Budget: 220.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 53 - LOT 53 Perie de curățare pentru eprubete
Budget: 140.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 54 - LOT 54 Perie de curățare pentru eprubete
Budget: 180.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 55 - LOT 55 Perie din silicon pentru tuburi
Budget: 100.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 56 - LOT 56 Perie din silicon pentru tuburi
Budget: 100.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Documents of the procurement procedure
anunt de participare (15).signed.pdf
anunt de participare (15).signed.pdf
Bidding Documents
11.02.25 10:50
11 Feb 2025, 09:25
Question's name:
Anunțul de participare
Anexați vă rugăm anunțul de participare și specificația tehnică. Mulțumim
Answer (11 Feb 2025, 10:50):
11 Feb 2025, 10:48
Question's name:
Complectati va rog anexa 22, 23 si anuntul de participare
Answer (11 Feb 2025, 10:52):
se vor completa independent in dependenta de pozitiile ofertate, reper aveti anuntul de participare format word.
Only authorized platform users may ask questions during the clarification period.
Document successfully signed