Public procurement
Lotul nr.1 Lactate Clinica Chișinău
Enquiry period
with 29.12.2024 22:40
to 03.01.2025 08:30
to 03.01.2025 08:30
Bidding period
with 03.01.2025 08:30
to 10.01.2025 08:30
to 10.01.2025 08:30
13.01.2025 14:00
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
778 660 MDL
Period of clarifications:
29 Dec 2024, 22:40 - 3 Jan 2025, 8:30
Submission of proposals:
3 Jan 2025, 8:30 - 10 Jan 2025, 8:30
Auction start date:
13 Jan 2025, 14:00
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Lotul nr.1 Lactate Clinica Chișinău
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD 2025, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Str.Constantin Vîrnav 13
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
29 Dec 2024, 22:25
Date modified
29 Dec 2024, 22:40
Estimated value (without VAT)
778 660 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
7 786,60 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Request price offers (goods)
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD 2025, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Str.Constantin Vîrnav 13
Contract period
24 Jan 2025 08:00 - 29 Jun 2025 08:00
List of positions
Lapte de vaci pasteurizat 1,0 L 2.5 %, Lapte de vaci pasteurizat 2.5 %, GOST:13277-79 , HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. Livrarea zilnica de la 8.30-12.00, in ambalaj de pelicula cite 1L.De la producator.
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 8000.0
Unit of measurement: Litru; decimetru cub
Lapte de vaci pasteurizat 0,5 L 2.5 % pentru lucratori( protectia muncii), Lapte de vaci pasteurizat 2.5 %, GOST:13277-79 , HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. Livrarea zilnica de la 8.30-12.00, in ambalaj de pelicula cite 1L.De la producator.
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 6000.0
Unit of measurement: Litru; decimetru cub
Chefir Bio 2.5% , GOST:4929-84 , HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. livrarea zilnica de la 8.30-12.00, in ambalaj de pelicula 0.5 gr. De la producator.
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 10800.0
Unit of measurement: Kilogram
Smintina 10 % , HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. livrarea zilnica de la 8.30-12.00, in ambalaj de pelicula 0.5 gr, .De la producator.
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 1000.0
Unit of measurement: Kilogram
Brinza de vaci 9% ,HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. Livrarea marti- vineri de la 8.30-12.00, in ambalaj de pelicula 0.5 grDe la producator.
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 2000.0
Unit of measurement: Kilogram
Brinza cu cheag tare 50 %, HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. Livrarea o data in saptamina de la 8:30-12:00, în ambalaj cerat 5kg .Produs autohton.
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 800.0
Unit of measurement: Kilogram
Unt taranesc de vaca din smîntînă dulce, nesărat, calitate superioara grăs.72,5%, fără adaus de grăs. vegetale, (ambalaj 200gr.) Gost 37-91;HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. De la producator. De la 8:30-12:00 o data in saptamina.
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 1100.0
Unit of measurement: Kilogram
Lapte concentrat cu zahăr- masa omogenă,vîscoasa,uniformă in toata masa,făra cristale de lactoză perceptibile ,fără impurităti.Culoare albă -gălbue,uniformă în toată masa.miros placut,caracteristic produsului concentrat,gust placut,dulcecaracteristic laptelui concentrat. grasime 8,5 %, GOST:2903-78 , HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 158 din 07-03-2019 cu privire la aprobarea Cerințelor de calitate pentru lapte și produsele lactate. livrarea 1 in luna de la 8.30-12.00, in ambalaj 380 gr."
CPV: 15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
Quantity: 200.0
Unit of measurement: Kilogram
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
FPC "Serviabil" SRL
Normalized price:
960 555,56 MDL
In consideration
Reason: Not indicated
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
oferta 22+23+3.1 (m251).signed.pdf
oferta 22+23+3.1 (m251).signed.pdf
ID: 1ac0a37a-b148-4e94-9918-9d5678dd085f
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:31
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 110125.signed.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 110125.signed.pdf
ID: 4331939e-38da-4df5-9ca0-8c69c3e6aec9
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:27
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:28
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
f.3.4 - f3.5- f3.6.signed.signed.pdf
f.3.4 - f3.5- f3.6.signed.signed.pdf
ID: 70098711-fe61-4519-9f69-4fc41c6cdc93
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:27
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
producator permisiune.signed.signed.pdf
producator permisiune.signed.signed.pdf
ID: 73dc45ff-44dc-4206-8e87-f44f50b9de32
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:27
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
cerere de participare+declaratie valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
cerere de participare+declaratie valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
ID: 8231ecb9-9a86-425a-b78a-5ed8f7c1e5a0
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:31
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
anexa 12-13-14. personal2+utilaje+contracte.signed.pdf
anexa 12-13-14. personal2+utilaje+contracte.signed.pdf
ID: c87da0cf-221c-4340-b051-7931a3da1f01
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:27
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
documente participare 2024-ii.signed.signed.pdf
documente participare 2024-ii.signed.signed.pdf
ID: e6d817b4-b062-4603-bff7-44b59c28963e
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:27
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
gb_serviabil srl_10 000 mdl.signed.signed.pdf
gb_serviabil srl_10 000 mdl.signed.signed.pdf
ID: e704cdc1-b8da-4016-a7a7-020dbdbfc44e
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:31
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:31
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
certificat 03.01.2025.signed.pdf
certificat 03.01.2025.signed.pdf
ID: f4a0e3af-cbd6-442c-ae94-897969a7ea49
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:27
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
certificate de conformitate lactate (strict pentru serviabil).signed.pdf
certificate de conformitate lactate (strict pentru serviabil).signed.pdf
ID: f67b21b8-f98a-4c45-a2d5-8195d32cad5e
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
9.01.25 19:27
Opening date:
10.01.25 08:30
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed