Public procurement
Lot 5: Jaluzele verticale (livrarea și instalarea or. Dondușeni, str. Ștefan cel Mare 30)
Enquiry period
with 20.11.2024 14:47
to 25.11.2024 14:00
to 25.11.2024 14:00
Bidding period
with 25.11.2024 14:00
to 29.11.2024 17:00
to 29.11.2024 17:00
02.12.2024 14:14
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
5 117 MDL
Period of clarifications:
20 Nov 2024, 14:47 - 25 Nov 2024, 14:00
Submission of proposals:
25 Nov 2024, 14:00 - 29 Nov 2024, 17:00
Auction start date:
2 Dec 2024, 14:14
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Lot 5: Jaluzele verticale (livrarea și instalarea or. Dondușeni, str. Ștefan cel Mare 30)
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. V. Alecsandri, 78
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
20 Nov 2024, 14:31
Date modified
20 Nov 2024, 14:47
Estimated value (without VAT)
5 117 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
51,17 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Low cost purchase
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. V. Alecsandri, 78
Contract period
16 Dec 2024 14:43 - 27 Feb 2025 14:47
List of positions
Quantity: 23.0
Unit of measurement: Metru patrat
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
contract de bunuri_ajustat.docx
Draft contract - special conditions
Model de contract
20.11.24 14:47
formular oferta.docx
Bidding Documents
Oferta economică, asumată şi confirmată prin aplicarea semnăturii electronice
20.11.24 14:47
anunt de participare. jaluzele.semnat.pdf
anunt de participare. jaluzele.semnat.pdf
Jaluzele in asortiment
20.11.24 14:47
informatie generala.docx
Bidding Documents
Informații generale despre ofertant, confirmată prin aplicarea semnăturii electronice
20.11.24 14:47
declaratia operatorului economic.docx
Bidding Documents
Declarația ofertantului privind neîncadrarea în situațiile prevăzute de art. 16 alin (2) lit a) din Legea 246/2017
20.11.24 14:47
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Disqualify participants whose price is lower than that of the winner and indicate the reason for the disqualification.
2) Choose winner by clicking the button
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Perfect Solution SRL
Normalized price:
5 825 MDL
Oferta conforma
12.12.24 15:43
Reason: Oferta conforma
Qualification documents
259. decizie de atribuire. jaluzele. t-259.pdf
259. decizie de atribuire. jaluzele. t-259.pdf
ID: 15c48c6e-2d21-4ff1-b317-9f8e2abc573c
Award Notification
12.12.24 15:43
Documents provided with the proposal
2 extras-societatea cu răspundere limitată _perfect solution_.pdf
2 extras-societatea cu răspundere limitată _perfect solution_.pdf
ID: 0c202650-8b52-4d99-922d-0fdb92e62a64
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.11.24 17:39
Opening date:
2.12.24 13:46
3 informatie generală despre ofertant.semnat.pdf
3 informatie generală despre ofertant.semnat.pdf
ID: 426acfdf-0d0b-4649-818b-5a9b0fae6375
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.11.24 17:39
Opening date:
2.12.24 13:46
4 declaratia operatorului economic.semnat.pdf
4 declaratia operatorului economic.semnat.pdf
ID: b8567f5d-1d56-4f87-8abb-0ccfcf69c189
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.11.24 17:39
Opening date:
2.12.24 13:46
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.11.24 17:39
Opening date:
2.12.24 15:17
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed