Public procurement
Lucrări de montare sau instalare de tîmplarie din profile PVC (uși) la intrările Casa radio și TV (repetat)
Enquiry period
with 19.11.2024 12:12
to 22.11.2024 10:00
to 22.11.2024 10:00
Bidding period
with 22.11.2024 10:00
to 27.11.2024 11:00
to 27.11.2024 11:00
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
100 017,87 MDL
Period of clarifications:
19 Nov 2024, 12:12 - 22 Nov 2024, 10:00
Submission of proposals:
22 Nov 2024, 10:00 - 27 Nov 2024, 11:00
Auction start date:
will not be used
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Conform Caietului de sarcini (Anexa nr. 23 la Documentația standard aprobată prin Ordinul Ministrului Finanțelor nr. 69 din 7 mai 2021) și conform schiței Anexă la anunțul de participare
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2028, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, strada Miorița 1
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
19 Nov 2024, 12:07
Date modified
20 Nov 2024, 10:36
Estimated value (without VAT)
100 017,87 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Low cost purchase
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
2028, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, strada Miorița 1
Contract period
9 Dec 2024 12:11 - 30 Jan 2025 12:11
List of positions
Lucrări de montare sau instalare de tîmplarie din profile PVC (uși) la intrările Casa radio și TV (repetat) - Conform Caietului de sarcini (Anexa nr. 23 la Documentația standard aprobată prin Ordinul Ministrului Finanțelor nr. 69 din 7 mai 2021) și conform schiței Anexă la anunțul de participare
CPV: 45420000-7 - Joinery and carpentry installation work
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
anunţ de participare usi pvc (repetat).semnat.pdf
anunţ de participare usi pvc (repetat).semnat.pdf
Bidding Documents
anunţ de participare usi pvc (repetat).semnat.pdf
19.11.24 12:12
anexele si caietul de sarcini.docx
Bidding Documents
anexele si caietul de sarcini.docx
19.11.24 12:12
anexă la anunțul de participare - schita la usi pvc.pdf
anexă la anunțul de participare - schita la usi pvc.pdf
Bidding Documents
anexă la anunțul de participare - schita la usi pvc.pdf
19.11.24 12:12
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Disqualify participants whose price is lower than that of the winner and indicate the reason for the disqualification.
2) Choose winner by clicking the button
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
94 429,84 MDL
The bid is irregular
02.12.24 15:54
Reason: The bid is irregular
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
anexa nr 7 cerere de participare.signed.pdf
anexa nr 7 cerere de participare.signed.pdf
ID: 341e3456-767e-4843-a033-0474156d39fb
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa nr 8 declar. priv. valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
anexa nr 8 declar. priv. valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
ID: 11109e31-c932-4794-a6c3-9ad448774d2e
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat iso 9001 2015 ;iso 14001 2015.semnat.pdf
certificat iso 9001 2015 ;iso 14001 2015.semnat.pdf
ID: 16da3534-c42d-4220-b036-39f8001c6622
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
anexa nr.10 grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
anexa nr.10 grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
ID: 285019f8-78dc-4c33-ad3d-1d25a432dfb9
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
anexa nr.14 privind dotările specifice, utilajul şi echipamentul necesar pentru îndeplinirea corespunzătoare a contractului.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.14 privind dotările specifice, utilajul şi echipamentul necesar pentru îndeplinirea corespunzătoare a contractului.semnat.pdf
ID: 2d0854c4-ee0d-4fd9-bc0e-0ba99c6d0a30
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
certificat a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
ID: 475ceb75-b265-4d6b-a3fb-dc43b438dfb4
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
anexa nr.15 declaraţie privind personalul de specialitate propus pentru implementarea contractului.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.15 declaraţie privind personalul de specialitate propus pentru implementarea contractului.semnat.pdf
ID: 60952d7d-50a6-4e22-beeb-0cb4653f9e8a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
anexa nr.13 declarație privind lista principalelor lucrări executate.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.13 declarație privind lista principalelor lucrări executate.semnat.pdf
ID: 671a02a1-b649-41ad-8fb9-014f133222e2
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat conformitate pvc.semnat.pdf
certificat conformitate pvc.semnat.pdf
ID: 7ca31308-969e-4a54-9a6a-e696cf27467e
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
formularul ofertei.signed.pdf
formularul ofertei.signed.pdf
ID: 83bbfc18-534b-4073-a0e9-3d615f9e9b10
Financial proposal
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat de conformitatetermopane de lux_en 1279(1).semnat.pdf
certificat de conformitatetermopane de lux_en 1279(1).semnat.pdf
ID: 8701d29a-e47b-4ca0-b2e9-6d651849aaff
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat conformitate feroneri.semnat.pdf
certificat conformitate feroneri.semnat.pdf
ID: 8fdc92ee-4699-41f9-97d9-832873859fe3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
informație generală despre ofertant.signed.pdf
informație generală despre ofertant.signed.pdf
ID: 9152c224-26cc-4c4b-9dab-885f1d8b10ab
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
ID: 96b5b1f6-fec4-4235-b283-6754a6f70887
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
ID: aac9627b-5892-41dd-be54-2641b906f529
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat de conformitate.signed.pdf
certificat de conformitate.signed.pdf
ID: b6cbd470-5210-4137-88a6-2cecbadf73a4
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat iso 45001;2018.semnat.pdf
certificat iso 45001;2018.semnat.pdf
ID: b71ac64c-b3c3-428b-a156-23a7e12bb3f0
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat conformitate spumă.semnat.pdf
certificat conformitate spumă.semnat.pdf
ID: c55f90b2-a2c2-4101-b527-74eb036a5d83
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1058334.signed.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1058334.signed.pdf
ID: c7d3ff17-5ae6-4208-ae41-e69910f34832
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
certificatul de atestare dirigintelui de santier.semnat.pdf
certificatul de atestare dirigintelui de santier.semnat.pdf
ID: d449378b-7f87-4360-b132-ff0d8fa12fbd
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
declaratie pe propria raspundere privind garantia produselor.signed.pdf
declaratie pe propria raspundere privind garantia produselor.signed.pdf
ID: e552ae0c-2456-48e2-8601-c2a93b7d0c8d
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:14
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
Financial proposal
Date of download:
25.11.24 10:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:28
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
94 852,29 MDL
corespunde tuturor cerințelor solicitate în documentația de atribuire
02.12.24 15:56
Reason: corespunde tuturor cerințelor solicitate în documentația de atribuire
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
anexa 15 megatek grup.semnat.pdf
anexa 15 megatek grup.semnat.pdf
ID: 0444a717-9ed2-41f6-8df6-c106b4f3bb19
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
aviz megatek gruo 15-02-2024.semnat.pdf
aviz megatek gruo 15-02-2024.semnat.pdf
ID: 0f609329-6978-4623-ab3e-746d97b396ff
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
decizie megatek grup (1).semnat.pdf
decizie megatek grup (1).semnat.pdf
ID: 46c89b6b-4fdd-4952-9c46-69072c1a292e
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa 12 experienta similara spitalul straseni.semnat.pdf
anexa 12 experienta similara spitalul straseni.semnat.pdf
ID: 4a2f821f-e5ce-4514-8956-7e1ca96f203d
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
scrisoare de recomandare lebedenco .signed (1).semnat.pdf
scrisoare de recomandare lebedenco .signed (1).semnat.pdf
ID: 5f51f7c5-a0f1-4aeb-90ca-da185976d329
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
termen de garantie a lucrarilor.semnat (4).pdf
termen de garantie a lucrarilor.semnat (4).pdf
ID: 9103712b-1613-4537-9323-faf92bc24669
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa 12 megatek grup farladeni.semnat.pdf
anexa 12 megatek grup farladeni.semnat.pdf
ID: 93576b63-a170-4aa4-ab77-e97dbbca65dd
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
graficul de executare lucrari.semnat (4).pdf
graficul de executare lucrari.semnat (4).pdf
ID: 96510722-cac8-4b5e-8379-aac455f5f9e3
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa 13 lista lucrari 2023.semnat.pdf
anexa 13 lista lucrari 2023.semnat.pdf
ID: 99603dec-a5c5-4643-aec9-a14a188ed20e
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa 14 megatek.semnat (1).pdf
anexa 14 megatek.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 99647f30-8907-45f5-8921-352abae35de0
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa 13 lista lucrari 2021-2022-2023.semnat.pdf
anexa 13 lista lucrari 2021-2022-2023.semnat.pdf
ID: a4b852f6-fd20-4362-93e3-1948f85c11f8
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
certificat conformitate performanta produs pvc si aluminiu megatek grup 2023.semnat.pdf
certificat conformitate performanta produs pvc si aluminiu megatek grup 2023.semnat.pdf
ID: a6403621-b229-486f-8764-4f912aab6bf4
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
iso megatek grup 2024-2027.semnat.pdf
iso megatek grup 2024-2027.semnat.pdf
ID: b678d3a8-dfd5-4631-abf3-b39cca56a75f
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
ous vitalie adeverinta.semnat.pdf
ous vitalie adeverinta.semnat.pdf
ID: bba0e343-6294-4671-9c4a-52418843f198
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
certificat cont bancar megatek.semnat.pdf
certificat cont bancar megatek.semnat.pdf
ID: c345c38d-61d9-4ac4-8226-efd01c9d04d1
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
oferta, propunerea financiara megatek .semnat (8).pdf
oferta, propunerea financiara megatek .semnat (8).pdf
ID: cb1ad482-7af0-4f42-8857-3aee40939e91
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
raport financiar 2023 megatek grup .semnat.pdf
raport financiar 2023 megatek grup .semnat.pdf
ID: cd8d325d-dcf6-4189-8cc0-8198c9c02db8
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
experienta similara lebedenco.semnat.pdf
experienta similara lebedenco.semnat.pdf
ID: ce51f0a2-e2a4-46db-bc05-5f1bc97729c7
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa 12 m.viteazul hancesti megatek.semnat.pdf
anexa 12 m.viteazul hancesti megatek.semnat.pdf
ID: d1a41e88-3f83-4ce9-b9c9-28ca3f5db3f4
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
diriginte de santier ous vitalii megatek.semnat.pdf
diriginte de santier ous vitalii megatek.semnat.pdf
ID: e73ea6a1-2b63-4d85-9593-78a70c60d016
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:15
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
extras megatek grup.semnat 24-09-2024.pdf
extras megatek grup.semnat 24-09-2024.pdf
ID: e9de1f7c-cf22-446d-b196-b224b856c69e
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
vizita la santier.semnat (1).pdf
vizita la santier.semnat (1).pdf
ID: eb19a021-42fc-44d8-ae91-1529071379d5
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
anexa 12 lebedenco megatek.semnat.pdf
anexa 12 lebedenco megatek.semnat.pdf
ID: f264721a-5b4d-4e28-9023-9c22e2415368
Documents of submission
Date of download:
22.11.24 14:16
Opening date:
27.11.24 11:00
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed