Aparat de anestezie inhalatorie pentru animale mici
to 14.07.2022 10:00
to 19.07.2022 10:00
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Alimentare gaz: O2, N2O: 0.28 – 0.6 Mpa
Forme de unda: P-t, F-t
Debitmetru: O2: 0-1 L/min; 1-10 L/min: N2O:0-1 L/min; 1-10 L/min
Sistem gaz: alarma O2 insuficient sistem securitate Hipoxie O2 flush: 35-75L/min
Mod de lucru: Închis, Semi-închis, Semi-deschis
Mod control: acționare pneumatică și control electronic
Mod de operare: Man./ Vent
Valva de siguranță: <= 8kpa
Specificații ventilator :
Tip pacient: animale de companie
Moduri ventilare: IPPV, Manual
Setări: taste
Volum tidal: 0-1600ml
Frecventa de ventilare: 4-100 bmp
Raport I/E: 4:1 - 1:8
Control presiune: 5-60 cm H2O
Ppeep: 0-20 cm H2O
Monitorizare: afisaj ecran LED presiune: Ppeak, Pplat, Pmean volum: VT, MV respirație
Alarma presiune: limita de sus/jos Paw eroare alimentare presiune scăzută alimentare cu O2
Alarma silențioasă: <=120s
Unitatea poate avea: doua vaporizatoare
Tip de agent: halotan, enfluran, isofluran, sevofluran
Alimentare: 100-240 AC 50-60 Hz
Consum: <=50W
caiet de sarcini (echip. veter.).docx
ID: b09b9a64-fe60-4b1f-b82c-6fdcbc0060374.07.22 15:07Technical Specifications
caiet de sarcini (echip. veter.).docx
ID: b09b9a64-fe60-4b1f-b82c-6fdcbc0060374.07.22 09:33Technical Specifications
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP bap@tender.gov.md отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
ÎM „Dutchmed-M” SRL
Documents such as "Qualification Documentation", "financial proposal" and "Illustration" will be browseable for all only after your offer has been placed in "pending" status.