8. Soluție detergent p/u cauciuc, plastic
to 07.09.2020 15:30
to 18.09.2020 14:30
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Detergent universal. Produsul extreme de concentrate este potrivit p/u curatarea si dezinfectarea plasticului, cauciucului, linoleumului. Reface culorile, indeparteaza petele chiar rezistenete și are o aroma placuta. Datorita nivelului redus de spumare, nu este necesara nicio procedura de clatire.Produsul poate fi utilizat p/u curatarea suprafetelor de cauciuc, linoleum, precum, a suprafetelor vopsite si emaliate, si indepartarea grasimilor de pe suprafata tesaturilor.
Aspect: lichid galben. Miros: aromat
Densitate la t=200C: 1,050
Ph: intr-o solutie apoasa de 10% de aproximativ 12 la t=200C
Masa netto: 5 L
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP bap@tender.gov.md отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Documents such as "Qualification Documentation", "financial proposal" and "Illustration" will be browseable for all only after your offer has been placed in "pending" status.