Status Complete
Estimated value without VAT 48 000 MDL
  • Winner: SC Totex-Lux SRL
  • Cost: 19 998 MDL
  • Saved: 58.34 %
  • Of participants: 3
Period of clarifications: 31.01.19 16:16 - 2.02.19 08:00
Submission of proposals: 2.02.19 11:00 - 5.02.19 09:00
Auction start date: 6 Feb 2019 15:59

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

Formulare conform specificatiilor tehnice atașate. Executarea formularelor se va efectua conform solicitării Beneficiarului cu indicarea numărului de formulare, adică cantitatea contractată se va solicita pe părți pe parcursul anului.
La ofertă se vor anexa următoarele documente:
- Extras din Registrul de stat al persoanelor juridice,
- Date generale despre Participant,
- Date bancare.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2001, Moldova, Republic of, mun. Chisinau, mun.Chişinău, str.Mitropolit Varlaam 63
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Colodroțchi Nina
Contact phone
Purchase data
Type of procedure
Low value procedure
Estimated value (without VAT)
48 000 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
250 MDL
Date of last modifications
27 Mar 2019 16:12
List of positions
Formulare CPV: 22800000-8 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery
Delivery address: 2001, MD, mun. Chisinau, Chișinău, str.Mitropolit Varlaam 63
Delivery period: 5 Feb 2019 15:00 - 31 Dec 2019 16:00
Quantity: 55700
Unit of measurement: piece
Documents of the procurement procedure
Document's name
Specificatie formulare 2018 cor.xlsx
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
Reestru_pentru_auto.PDF.pdf Reestru_pentru_auto.PDF.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
tabel alimentatie.pdf tabel alimentatie.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
registru triaj.pdf registru triaj.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
registru rebutare.pdf registru rebutare.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
regitru sanitar.pdf regitru sanitar.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
Foaie_parcurs_camioane.PDF.pdf Foaie_parcurs_camioane.PDF.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
fisa zilnica A4.pdf fisa zilnica A4.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
darea seama.pdf darea seama.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
foaie de parcurs.pdf foaie de parcurs.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
Contracte_tip.PDF.pdf Contracte_tip.PDF.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
meniu A4.pdf meniu A4.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
fisa de calculare.pdf fisa de calculare.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
fisa zilnica mica A5.pdf fisa zilnica mica A5.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
dare de seama MCC.pdf dare de seama MCC.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
fisa personala.pdf fisa personala.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
meniu dejun A5.pdf meniu dejun A5.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
proces verbal casare OMVSD.pdf proces verbal casare OMVSD.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
declaratie_inventariere.pdf declaratie_inventariere.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
darea de seama bonuri.pdf darea de seama bonuri.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
darea de seama tichete.pdf darea de seama tichete.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
Preturi_mici_color.PDF.pdf Preturi_mici_color.PDF.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
bon de livrare.pdf bon de livrare.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
lisata alimentatie.pdf lisata alimentatie.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
darea de seama formulare.pdf darea de seama formulare.pdf
Technical Specifications
31.01.19 16:16
Participants list
Participant(s) name(s):


Normalized price: 19 990 MDL
Status: Disqualified
Nu este de acord cu cerințele solicitate și anume: cu solicitarea cantităților de Bunuri
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):

SC Totex-Lux SRL

Tender completed
Normalized price: 19 999 MDL
Status: Winner
Participant(s) name(s): GIBEONA - PLUS
Normalized price: 19 990 MDL
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s): SC Totex-Lux SRL
Normalized price: 19 999 MDL
Participant(s) name(s): Garomont Studio SRL
Normalized price: 20 000 MDL
Documents provided with the proposal
View contract
The history of the auction
View auction
31 Jan 2019, 16:55
Question's name:
не указана бумага
не указана бумага
Answer (1 Feb 2019, 08:13):
Nu este clară întrebarea
1 Feb 2019, 09:08
Question's name:
Pe ce hirtie sevor tipari formularele si registrele
Pe ce hirtie sevor tipari formularele si registrele
Answer (1 Feb 2019, 10:22):
Unele formulare pe hîrtie albă, alte pe hîrtie de ziar (conform specificației atașate). Registrele pe hîrtie albă.
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Enquiry period" period.