Enquiry period
26.11.2018 09:09
to 27.11.2018 10:00
to 27.11.2018 10:00
Bidding period
27.11.2018 10:00
to 29.11.2018 13:00
to 29.11.2018 13:00
30.11.2018 14:07
to 30.11.2018 14:29
to 30.11.2018 14:29
Bids have been evaluated
Status Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
27 000 MDL
Period of clarifications:
26.11.18 09:09 - 27.11.18 10:00
Submission of proposals:
27.11.18 10:00 - 29.11.18 13:00
Auction start date:
30 Nov 2018 14:07
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Subscribe impossible
during the period Bids have been evaluated
Butelii eurostandard cu heliu: gaz inert; volumul buteliei 40 litri, ptesiunea 200 atm, puritatea gazului 99,999%.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2068, Moldova, Republic of, Chisinau, Chișinău, Alecu Russo 11/1
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Type of procedure
Low value procedure
Estimated value (without VAT)
27 000 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
540 MDL
Date of last modifications
13 Dec 2018 08:48
List of positions
Butelii eurostandard cu heliu: gaz inert; volumul buteliei 40 litri, ptesiunea 200 atm, puritatea gazului 99,999%.
CPV: 24111500-0 - Medical gases
Delivery address: 2068, MD, Chisinau, Chișinău, Alecu Russo 11/1
Delivery period: 29 Nov 2018 8:00 - 31 Dec 2018 11:00
Delivery address: 2068, MD, Chisinau, Chișinău, Alecu Russo 11/1
Delivery period: 29 Nov 2018 8:00 - 31 Dec 2018 11:00
Quantity: 2
Unit of measurement: piece
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Participants list
Participant(s) name(s):
Mic-Tan SRL
Normalized price: 25 050 MDL
Butelii eurostandard cu heliu.
La procedura 10019087 cu privire la achiziționarea buteliei de Heliu au participat doi ofertanți:
SRL Mic-Tan I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L.
1. Gaz inert 1. Gaz inert
2. Butelie Euro-Standard; 2. Butelie Euro-Standard
3. Volumul buteliei 40 litri; 3. Volumul buteliei 50 litri
4. Presiunea 200 atm; 4. Presiunea 200 Bar (197,38 atm)
5. Puritatea 99,999 %. 5. Puritatea 99,999 %
6. Volum total gaz 16000 L 6. Volum total gaz 19738 L
7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32004 mdl 7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32322 mdl
8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 2,00 mdl 8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 1,64 mdl
Concluzie: Prețul 1,64 mdl/L este mai avantajos cel oferit de către I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L. comparativ cu prețul 2,00 mdl/L care a fost oferit de către SRL Mic-Tan.
13.12.18 08:46
Butelii eurostandard cu heliu.
La procedura 10019087 cu privire la achiziționarea buteliei de Heliu au participat doi ofertanți:
SRL Mic-Tan I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L.
1. Gaz inert 1. Gaz inert
2. Butelie Euro-Standard; 2. Butelie Euro-Standard
3. Volumul buteliei 40 litri; 3. Volumul buteliei 50 litri
4. Presiunea 200 atm; 4. Presiunea 200 Bar (197,38 atm)
5. Puritatea 99,999 %. 5. Puritatea 99,999 %
6. Volum total gaz 16000 L 6. Volum total gaz 19738 L
7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32004 mdl 7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32322 mdl
8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 2,00 mdl 8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 1,64 mdl
Concluzie: Prețul 1,64 mdl/L este mai avantajos cel oferit de către I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L. comparativ cu prețul 2,00 mdl/L care a fost oferit de către SRL Mic-Tan.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Commercial Proposal
29.11.18 09:35
Technical Proposal
29.11.18 09:35
Qualification Documents
29.11.18 09:35
Qualification Documents
29.11.18 09:35
Qualification Documents
29.11.18 09:35
Qualification Documents
29.11.18 09:35
Participant(s) name(s):
Acseal Gaz
Normalized price: 26 935 MDL
Butelii eurostandard cu heliu.
Pret avantajos per unitate de masura.
La procedura 10019087 cu privire la achiziționarea buteliei de Heliu au participat doi ofertanți:
SRL Mic-Tan I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L.
1. Gaz inert 1. Gaz inert
2. Butelie Euro-Standard; 2. Butelie Euro-Standard
3. Volumul buteliei 40 litri; 3. Volumul buteliei 50 litri
4. Presiunea 200 atm; 4. Presiunea 200 Bar (197,38 atm)
5. Puritatea 99,999 %. 5. Puritatea 99,999 %
6. Volum total gaz 16000 L 6. Volum total gaz 19738 L
7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32004 mdl 7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32322 mdl
8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 2,00 mdl 8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 1,64 mdl
Concluzie: Prețul 1,64 mdl/L este mai avantajos cel oferit de către I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L. comparativ cu prețul 2,00 mdl/L care a fost oferit de către SRL Mic-Tan.
13.12.18 08:46
Butelii eurostandard cu heliu.
Pret avantajos per unitate de masura.
La procedura 10019087 cu privire la achiziționarea buteliei de Heliu au participat doi ofertanți:
SRL Mic-Tan I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L.
1. Gaz inert 1. Gaz inert
2. Butelie Euro-Standard; 2. Butelie Euro-Standard
3. Volumul buteliei 40 litri; 3. Volumul buteliei 50 litri
4. Presiunea 200 atm; 4. Presiunea 200 Bar (197,38 atm)
5. Puritatea 99,999 %. 5. Puritatea 99,999 %
6. Volum total gaz 16000 L 6. Volum total gaz 19738 L
7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32004 mdl 7. Suma p/u 2 but (Cu TVA) 32322 mdl
8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 2,00 mdl 8. Preț p/u 1 L (Cu TVA) 1,64 mdl
Concluzie: Prețul 1,64 mdl/L este mai avantajos cel oferit de către I.C.S. Acseal Gaz S.R.L. comparativ cu prețul 2,00 mdl/L care a fost oferit de către SRL Mic-Tan.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Qualification Documents
28.11.18 17:18
Oferta comerciala Sfinta treime Heliu 5.semnat.pdf
Oferta comerciala Sfinta treime Heliu 5.semnat.pdf
ID: 25091f895af14d438890d44a551fe003
Commercial Proposal
28.11.18 17:18
Participant(s) name(s): Mic-Tan SRL
Normalized price: 25 050 MDL
Participant(s) name(s): Acseal Gaz
Normalized price: 26 935 MDL
Documents provided with the proposal
Qualification Documents
28.11.18 17:18
Oferta comerciala Sfinta treime Heliu 5.semnat.pdf
Oferta comerciala Sfinta treime Heliu 5.semnat.pdf
ID: 25091f895af14d438890d44a551fe003
Commercial Proposal
28.11.18 17:18
The history of the auction
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Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Enquiry period" period.
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